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Heroes Honors English 10.

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1 Heroes Honors English 10

2 February 16, 2016 TSWBAT analyze the idea of an archetype and define different heroes Warm Up: Write a definition of the word mother means to you and then share your ideas with the group.

3 Lesson ABC Brainstorming- What do you know about heroes
Can we create a class definition?

4 Lesson Look at the handout. Each one represents a different types of hero. Brainstorm with your group what you would label the hero you were given. Then think up examples of people who demonstrate these characteristics.

5 Lesson Receive the real name of your hero. How close were you? Discuss what you think with your group.

6 Lesson Put the definition in your own words
Make a poster that represents your hero type Answer the questions on your poster What type of society needs this hero? Why is this hero valuable? How is this person treated in society?

7 Lesson Gallery Walk- Look at each of the different types of heroes and take brief notes As a class re-visit the definition of hero When do we need heroes?

8 Lesson Write a paragraph answering the following question: How could your hero “save” our society? Explain.

9 Feb 18 and 19 SMORES

10 Feb. 20, 2016 TSWBAT analyze their archetype by creating a piece of creative writing. Warm Up: With your partner/group brainstorm all the reasons why a society may benefit from your hero archetype. Lesson: Write a creative short story which depicts how your archetype would be useful to a society. What would they do to solve a problem? What kind of problem would they want to help with? What issues would they face? How would society treat them?

11 Feb 23, 2016 TSWBAT present their SMORES about a hero archetype
WARM UP: Go over your presentation with your partner for 5 minutes Grab each of the hand outs and staple them together.

12 Feb 24, 2016 TSWBAT present their SMORES about a hero archetype
WARM UP: Go over your presentation with your partner for 5 minutes

13 Feb 29, 2016 TSWBAT analyze the concept of the hero archetype through visual analysis. Warm Up: Pick one of the archetypes and write a list of traits this archetype would have

14 Images View the images on the slides that follow:
Try to go beyond just seeing the images on a surface level – dig a little deeper! Use the Optic Method handout to guide your analysis of the images – there is likely more to each image than you originally “see.” Use the information from your image discussions and the heroes archetype handout to fill out the chart provided.

15 Superman See modeled information on the Hero Archetype handout.

16 Raising the Flag at Iwo Jima
Students should notice the following: The prominence of the American flag The men working together to lift it They should have background knowledge of this picture as the defeat of the Japanese in Word World II Soldiers as heroes. Archetypes may include: The Warrior The Caregiver The Destroyer

17 Washington Crossing the Delaware
Students should note the following: George Washing as the prominent figure in the boat. The struggle through rough waters. The Light in the background – symbolic of righteousness The American Flag Archetypes may include: The Warrior The Destroyer The Caregiver

18 Rosie the Riveter Students should note the following:
The contrasting idea (for the time) of a beautiful but “strong” woman The speech bubble The rolling of the sleeve – willingness to “get our hands dirty” Archetypes may include: The Warrior – stepping up during the war effort to make a difference The Seeker – breaking free from gender roles

19 The Firefighters of 911 Students should note the following:
The men walking as a united group The American flag in the background The protective/combative gear Possible Archetypes may include: The Warrior The Caregiver

20 Rescue Dogs Students should note the following:
The rough dangerous looking conditions The “leap” of the dog The group “effort” mentality Possible archetypes may include: The Warrior The Caregiver

21 Joan of Arc Students should note the following:
The battle in the background The prominence of Joan at the front The fact that she is a woman Her shiny armor and blowing hair Possible archetypes may include: The Warrior The Caregiver

22 Synthesize Consider the information that you explored in doing this activity and throughout the unit so far. Then, come up 10 reasons that society needs heroes. Write them down on your “Top Ten Reasons Why We Need Heroes” handout.

23 Animoto Project Create an Animoto video using your “Top Ten Reasons Why We Need Heroes” handout and 10 images. The images that you choose should reflect each of the reasons you have listed on your handout. Choose a soundtrack which embodies the “feeling” of your video. The wording, images, and music should all be purposefully chosen. You must include a properly formatted (MLA) Works Cited page for your images at the end of your video.

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