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2 What is the purpose of deeming someone a war hero?
What is a “hero”? A person noted for feats of courage, esp. one who has risked/sacrificed his/her life “War hero”? What makes a “war hero”? Can this be someone from the home front or must a war hero have been “in the trenches”? What is the purpose of deeming someone a war hero? Is this a legitimate term?

24 years old when he became Britain’s leading air ace Commander of the First Canadian Air Force Credited with the most kills (shot down 72 planes) Most decorated Canadian in WWI One of the few who lived to enjoy his celebrity

4 ROY BROWN Credited with shooting down and killing the Red Baron (German pilot who was credited with having shot down 80 Allied aircraft- this was the highest “score” of any fighter pilot in WWI)- this is not confirmed

5 LEO CLARKE Sept. 9, 1916: Clarke was the acting Corporal of a Canadian Battalion at the Somme. His mission: secure a Canadian position. To do this he had to attack a German trench. They battled their way through with hand grenades, bayonets and by using their rifles as clubs. Clarke was the only man left standing.

6 About 20 Germans counter-attacked
About 20 Germans counter-attacked. Clarke advanced, emptying his revolver into them. He then picked up two enemy rifles and fired those. One officer attacked Clarke with a bayonet and Clarke shot him dead. The Germans retreated, shooting 4 more dead and capturing a 5th. All in all, Clarke killed 19 of the enemy and captured one.

7 What do you notice about these Canadian “war heroes”?
Who has been left out of this picture?

Sam Hughes: Hero or madman? Steadfast patriot “cowboy” Acted like a General in command of troops Considered himself an expert in military matters Attracted the press by casting himself as a hero: “If the struggle isn’t over by spring, I’ll take to the field myself!” (1915)

9 Aboriginal “sharpshooters”:
Private David Kisek 1918: when his company was held up by heavy fire, he ran into the open and, with his gun at his hip, fired into the enemy machine guns. His shots were so effective that a party of the company were able to advance and capture 4 machine guns and 70 POWs Awarded the Distinguished Conduct medal for his bravery

10 Fredrick Banting Medic Advanced through intense shell fire to reach the Canadian Battalion where several men had been wounded While under heavy fire he tended to the wounded for 17 hours, despite being severely wounded himself. Awarded the Military Cross for his bravery

11 Jeremiah Jones: Battle of Vimy Ridge, Canadian troops were pinned down by German machine gun fire Jones volunteered to attack a German trench He managed to reach the trench, tossed a hand grenade in and killed several soldiers The remaining soldiers surrendered and Jones forced them to carry the captured machine gun back to the Canadian lines where they were ordered to deposit it at his Commanding Officer’s feet Recommended for a Distinguished Conduct Medal- never received this

12 Nellie McClung: Promoted the vote for women
Lead the Temperance movement and the WCTU (called for the complete prohibition of alcohol as a cure for unemployment, disease, poverty and immorality Fought for women’s property rights and the Dower Act (Widow’s legally entitled to land) Factory Safety Legislation Old Age Pensions Public Health Nursing Services

13 Edith Cavell: British nurse Saved the lives of soldiers from both the Allies and the Entente Helped 200 Allied soldiers escape German- occupied Belgium. Arrested and sentenced to death by firing squad

14 WHO ELSE? African-Canadian trench diggers? Munitions workers?
Members of the White Feather Campaign?

15 RECAP Is the term “war hero” a legitimate one?
“Hero”: gendered connotations Is it necessary to have heroes in war? No war heroes + unpopular war = VN Does the term romanticize the realities of war? Should the term have more to do with saving lives or number of “kills”?

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