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Heroes of the Industrial Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Heroes of the Industrial Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heroes of the Industrial Revolution
Individual research project

2 Objective- To understand the contribution of key characters to the process of change that took place between

3 Choose one of the following…
Florence Nightingale George Stevenson Lord Shaftsbury Chance Brothers Louis Pasteur James Watt Robert Owen Edwin Chadwick Richard Arkwright James Hargreaves Alexander Fleming Abraham Darby I II and III Isambard Kingdom Brunel John Kay John Buddell Humphry Davy

4 Investigate and explain…
Their background How their work moved the Industrial Revolution forward How their particular industry changed society (ie medicine, locomotives etc.)

5 Criteria You should prepare a two-three minute speech which will be presented to the class. You can use images on a PP to support your speech. You are not allowed notes and you can have a maximum of 5 slides with 10 words on each. You must also make an information sheet with pictures to accompany the talk. This will be added to a booklet which will be sent to you.



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