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Advancing Research in Your Unit December 6, 2017

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1 Advancing Research in Your Unit December 6, 2017
9/21/2018 Advancing Research in Your Unit December 6, 2017 Geeta Dutta, PhD Director Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships Esther Pratt Assistant Director, Foundation Relations University Advancement Dan Nordquist Associate Vice President Office of Research Support and Operations Glenn D. Prestwich, PhD President's Distinguished Visiting Professor Washington State University-Health Sciences Spokane

2 December 6, 2017 Recording date of this workshop is
9/21/2018 Recording date of this workshop is December 6, 2017 Rules and procedures discussed in this workshop are subject to change. Please check university resources before relying exclusively on this recorded presentation. Template L white fuz


4 Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships
9/21/2018 Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships Services include: Funding Search and Dissemination * Discussion – process within colleges and departments Proposal Writing Training * Discussion – drop out rate Limited Submission preproposal selection Discussion – review process * Large–Proposal development * Research Expansion Team building activities Institutional support activities Discussion – faculty productivity data

5 WSU Foundation organization & purpose
Central Foundation vs College Development Discussion – who helps with what Office of Foundation Relations & Office of Corporate Relations Discussion – services & process , gift vs grant Research Expansion Current involvement Discussion – improvements? What works, what doesn’t?


7 Office of Research Support and Operations
9/21/2018 Office of Research Support and Operations Services include: Proposal and Award Processing – Central hub for all submitted proposals and award acceptance (across the system). Strategic Initiative Implementation – Drive to 25, 120 Day Study, WSU Strategic Plan, other OR initiatives Faculty support and online tools – PI Dashboard, eREX Form, reporting, etc. Outreach and Program Support – “How To” workshops, event coordination, trainings, etc. Committee Management: Conflict of Interest Committee, Research and Arts, Cannabis Research, etc.


9 Innovation and Entrepreneurship at WSU
Innovation = Invention + Implementation Innovation is the future delivered; it is the land grant mission Entrepreneurship = a way of thinking and acting Imagining new ways to solve problems WSU supports a culture of impact that embraces and integrates three fundamental academic values: student education, exploratory basic research, and the land grant mission. WSU will convert discoveries into new products, services, and creative works to improve people’s lives.

10 Growing Research at WSU
9/21/2018 Growing Research at WSU The Innovation Cycle Deep disciplinary expertise University research Translational pathways Connected expertise Societal need or pain Deep disciplinary expertise University research Engagement with solving specific problems in the marketplace and in society synergistically creates new research areas and ideas that will require additional further scholarship and discovery. The positive feedback of this virtuous cycle that connects basic and translational research should be celebrated and recognized as a pre-existing feature of WSU’s land grant mission. We grow and diversify research by supporting, enabling and connecting faculty and students to the non-academic world. Template-Primary on blk-shield

11 Campus Partnerships and Activities
Entrepreneurial Faculty Ambassadors Presidential recognition and mandate for Drive to 25 Research engagement on and off campus Incentive and recognition for T/P Policy Innovation & Entrepreneurship Award (Annual, at Showcase) Presidential Innovation & Outreach Symposia at Pullman, Spokane, Tri-Cities campuses Translational Medicine Symposium (WSU-S) – medical community outreach and engagement SINE and Economic Development Council – Spokane community outreach, alumni and industry engagement Student engagement – iCorps, Honors College, Amazon Catalyst, Entrepreneurship programs, teaming events

12 WSU Training Videoconference
9/21/2018 This has been a WSU Training Videoconference If you attended this live training session and wish to have your attendance documented in your training history, please notify Human Resource Services within 24 hours of today's date: Template-WSU Hrz 201.ppt

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