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Streptococci Basmah almaarik

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1 Streptococci Basmah almaarik
Lecture # 5b

2 Streptococci All are Gram Positive Cocci arranged in chains (short or long) All are Catalase -ve + ve - ve

3 Gram Stain Staphylococci streptococci

4 Culture Fastidious organism  no growth on NA Grows well on BAP
Facultative anaerobe Grow at 37C need 24 to 48 hour .

5 Streptococcus Classification
Alpha hemolytic S. viridans S. pneumoniae Beta hemolytic: Group A, B, C, G & D Lancefield grouping according to antigens in their cell wall Non-hemolytic: Enterococcus (formally known as Group D)

6 Alpha Hemolytic Streptococci
Give alpha hemolysis on BAP. It Can be divided in to 2: Viridans group S.pneumoniae

7 Streptococcus viridans
s. pneumoniae Streptococcus viridans

8 Viridans Streptococci
S. PNEUMONIAE Alpha haemolysis Pin point colonies Optochin  resistant Bile Solubility  -ve Part of normal flora of upper respiratory and GI Alpha haemolysis Ring form colonies Tanslucent or mucoid Optochin  sensitive Sile solubility  +ve Not part of NF Not Capsulated Flattened with raised edges Capsulated

9 Viridans Streptococci
S. PNEUMONIAE GPS in chains GPC elongated (Lanceolated) diplococci

10 On the primary culture of isolation plate before incubation
1. Optochin Test Ethylhydrocupreine hydrochloride. Zone of inhibition of 14 mm or more  sensitive  S. pneumoniae No zone of inhibition  S.viridans Always don on a BAP. On the primary culture of isolation plate before incubation

11 Optochin Disk

12 . Bile Solubility Test To test if colonies are lysed by bile salt (such as desoxycholate) or not. There are 2 ways to do the test : In a tube On plate

13 Bile Solubility in Tube
2 ml of saline in a tube Emulsify several colonies of test organism in it Divide organism suspension in 2 tubes Add 2 drops of bile salt to one tube and 2 drops of sterile distilled water to the other. Leave mn at RT

14 Bile Solubility on Plate
Add drop of bile salt to specified part of plate Incubate at 37C for min Colony disappear  +ve Colony stay  -ve



17 Rapid Detection of S. pneumoniae
Rapid latex and coagglutination tests are available to detect capsular pneumococcal antigen in CSF or other sterile body fluids.

18 Sensitivity Testing of S. pneumoniae

19 Thank You

20 Your work today: Do gram stain for S.viridance and S.pnemoniae (show it to the instructor) Streak blood agar with S.viridance and S.pnemoniae and inoculate both organisms with Optochin disk.

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