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Agenda What creates a powerful brand? Where do you begin? The process

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1 Marketing Communications Essentials: Building a Brand November 17, 2010

2 Agenda What creates a powerful brand? Where do you begin? The process
Break Bringing your brand to life Discussion


4 Why are these brands powerful?
They differentiate They have a story to tell They drive the culture of the company They drive product design and service They were designed and are maintained with discipline Because of all these things They have enduring value


6 Life is Cluttered Product: too many products and services overall
Feature: too many features on each product Advertising: too many messages (3000 a day) Message: too many elements per message Media: too many competing channels Zag by Marty Neumeier

7 How do you succeed? Follow a consistent process To engage audiences
Connect Tell your story

8 Key Steps Define your targets. Prioritize. Understand.
Write your Brand Story. Generate Ideas. Build your first test. Measure. Refine and launch. Keep learning.

9 1. Audiences Who do you need to reach? Prioritize.

10 2. Understand. What you believe may not be what your target perceives.
“Wow. Those match my dress and are HOT”. “Great construction, good price.”

11 2. Understand Gather information.
Ask company leadership about the origins of the organization Talk to current customers Listen to the sales staff Conduct formal research

12 3. Write your Brand Story Promise. What do you offer and why should I care? Feel. What is the experience of your brand? Voice. Are you funny? Serious? Calm? Space. What media best support your promise?

13 You will have fun shopping and we will exceed your expectations…
Zappos Promise You will have fun shopping and we will exceed your expectations…

14 Zappos Promise You will have fun shopping and
we will exceed your expectations…




18 Simplicity and Freedom
Brand Promise “The People’s Car” Simplicity and Freedom




22 4. Generate Ideas Bring different disciplines together, early and often Involve people of different ages Share learning and new understanding Sort ideas based on some standard: Mission Brand Value Proposition

23 5. Build Your First Test Create a “test” scenario you can run and measure Marketing tools tracked to URLs and other activity Set measurement tools and goals Click-throughs Visits to website Attendance to a seminar Sales leads Opt in Traditional research measurements

24 6. Measure What worked?

25 7. Refine and Launch Once you have tested a possible program, eliminate as necessary and refine Messages Tools Launch a full program with confidence Be ready for more refinement

26 8. Keep Learning The market changes rapidly
New competitors New products New media Be ready to adapt your program Be ready to try new ideas and media

27 Break.

28 Bring your Brand to Life
Begin inside the company (internally) Communicate the brand story to employees Use it in recruitment materials In evaluation and reward programs Support through intranet/newsletters, and other internal communication forums Give employees a place to interact with and share brand “moments” or thoughts


30 Use every touch point Then bring your brand to the consumer (externally) Letterhead, business cards and business materials Signage ID badges Logos on vehicles/fleet Website Talking points for speeches Press release boiler plate

31 Pick a few things and do them well.
Where can you most efficiently reach your targets? What can you do to stand out? Be memorable


33 Measuring Means Money Tracking the success of programs…gives you the right foundation for keeping and growing your budget.


35 Discussion

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