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Sci. 3-2 Buoyant Force Pages 68-72.

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1 Sci. 3-2 Buoyant Force Pages 68-72

2 A. Buoyant Force- the upward force that fluids exert on all matter.

3 B. Buoyant forces are caused by differences in fluid pressure.
Side pressures cancel each other because they are the same

4 C. Archimedes’ principle states that the buoyant force on an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

5 D. If the weight of the water an object displaces is equal to the weight of the object, the object will float.

6 E. If the weight of the water an object displaces is less than the weight of the object, the object will sink.

7 F. Buoying Up- when the buoyant force on an object is greater than the object’s weight, the object is buoyed up (pushed up) out of the water until what’s left underwater displaces an amount of water equal to the object’s weight.

8 G. Density- the amount of matter in a given space. (How closely packed)
H. Any object that is more dense than the surrounding fluid will sink. Any object that is less dense than the surrounding fluid will float.

9 I. Density Formula

10 J. Heavy objects can float if the shape of the object causes the overall density of the object to be less than that of the water.

11 K. Whether an object sinks or floats, depends on its density NOT weight.

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