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Father Leonard Stegman

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1 Father Leonard Stegman
Father Leonard Stegman entered the U.S. Army Reserve in 1948 and later served as chaplain of the Wisconsin Army National Guard. In April 1950, Chaplain Stegman activated as an Army chaplain and fulfilled assignments at several stateside Army posts and stations. He served in Japan and Korea during and in Europe for six years. Chaplain Stegman served in both the Korean and Vietnam wars. Chaplain Stegman retired in the grade of Colonel on May 31, His awards and decorations include two Silver Stars, Purple Heart, three Legions of Merit, Bronze Star, Korean Distinguished Unit Citation, German and Japanese occupation medals, Korean Service Medal (with four battle stars), United Nations medal for service in Korea, and two American defense ribbons. Father Leonard Stegman is the Great Uncle of Jacelyn Huelskamp and the brother of Jacelyn’s grandmother Stellie Huelskamp.

2 Cody Sandusky Air Force 2012 – Present Cousin to Garrett Dudley

3 Zachary Dean Pulkarbek
Air Force 2013 to Present Brother to Mack, Colby and Helen Pulkrabek

4 Lynda Roberts Army July 2007 - Present
Was 24 years old when she joined the military and was enlisted. Primary job was Combat Medic. Aunt to Ethan Boese

5 Sean Roberts Army Feb. 2001-Jan. 2008
Was 21 years old when he joined the military and was enlisted. Primary job was Infantryman Uncle to Ethan Boese

6 Sam Boese Army 1941 – 1945 Tank division – tank driver - WWII
POW - Captured by the Germans near Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge Received numerous medals including a purple heart and a medal for helping liberate Belgian. Great-Grandpa to Ethan & Arryck Boese

7 John Newcomb Air Force - 1982-1986 Communications Specialist,
West Berlin, Germany Uncle to Mr. Thompson Great-Uncle to Jack Thompson

8 Jerry Newcomb Navy - 1956 - 1960 Hospital Corpman Bethesba, Maryland
Uncle to Mr. Thompson Great-Uncle to Jack Thompson

9 Leonard Newcomb Army - 1st Sgt. - 1942-1946 Papua New Guinea
Grandfather to Mr. Thompson Great-Grandfather to Jack Thompson

10 Lee Feasel Army Sgt. Germany 1942-1945
Great-Grandfather to Mr. Thompson Great-Great-Grandfather to Jack Thompson

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