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Center for Health Affairs

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1 Center for Health Affairs
Community Health Needs Assessments and Other Tax-Exemption Requirements Center for Health Affairs March 24, 2015 Julie Trocchio Senior Director, Community Benefit and Continuing Care Catholic Health Association

2 Overview Community Health Needs Assessment Requirements
Advice for Experts Implementation Strategies Advice from Experts Other Requirements Emergency Medical Care Policies Financial Assistance Policies Billing Collection Policies September 21, 2018

3 History “Our story began in 1851 when the first Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine arrived in Cleveland, Ohio from France to serve as the city’s first public health nurses.” September 21, 2018

4 CHNA and Implementation Strategies – Legal Imperative
Affordable Care Act (ACA) 501(r) IRS Notice IRS Notice of Proposed Rulemaking IRS Final Rules – December 2014 IRS Form 990 Schedule H September 21, 2018

5 Affordable Care Act ACA Requirement – Community Health Needs Assessment At least once every three years – 1st must be completed by end of tax year beginning after March 23, 2012 Include input from persons who represent the broad interests of the community Include input from persons having public health knowledge or expertise September 21, 2018

6 Affordable Care Act ACA Requirement – Community Health Needs Assessment Make assessment widely available to the public Adopt a written implementation strategy to address identified community needs Failure to comply results in excise tax penalty of $50,000 per year September 21, 2018

7 IRS Final Rules 2014 September 21, 2018

8 Steps in the CHNA Process
Define the community Assess the health needs of the community Solicit and take into account input from the community and public health Document the CHNA in a written report, approved by an authorized body Make the CHNA report widely available September 21, 2018

9 When is CHNA Conducted? During the current tax year or in either of the two immediately preceding taxable years Considered “conducted” in the taxable year that the written assessment report is made publicly available September 21, 2018

10 How is a Community Health Needs Assessment Conducted?
Identify and prioritize significant health needs of the community served by the hospital May be conducted in collaboration or jointly with others Must solicit and take into account input from persons who represent the broad interests of the community served including those with special knowledge of or expertise in public health Written report must be adopted by authorized body Must be made publicly available September 21, 2018

11 How is Community Defined
Generally defined by geographic location In some cases, defined by target populations served In some cases, take into account a hospitals’ principal function (e.g., specialty area or disease) May not be defined in a way that excludes certain populations served by the hospital (for example, low- income persons, and minority groups) May define community beyond service area If multiple buildings, single license – aggregate populations September 21, 2018

12 What is a Community Health Need?
Requisites for the improvement or maintenance of health status in both the community at large and in particular parts of the community (such as neighborhoods or populations experiencing disparities) May include the need to address financial and other barriers to accessing care, to prevent illness, to ensure adequate nutrition, or to address social, behavioral, and environmental factors that influence health September 21, 2018

13 How is Community Health Needs Assessment Documented?
Description of the community served by the hospital Description of the process, methods and sources used In the case of data obtained from external source material, the CHNA report may cite the source material rather than describe the method of collecting the data If the hospital collaborated with others – who? If the hospital contracted with a consultant – include qualifications September 21, 2018

14 How is Community Health Needs Assessment Documented? (con’t)
Describe input from persons who represent the broad interests of the community: Summary of the input of these persons; how and over what time period Describe the medically underserved, low-income, or minority populations being represented by organizations or individuals providing input Names of organizations providing input and nature and extent of input In the event a hospital solicits but cannot obtain input from a source described above, the CHNA report must describe the hospital’s efforts to solicit input from such sources September 21, 2018

15 How is Community Health Needs Assessment Documented? (con’t)
A prioritized description of all the significant community health needs identified through the community health needs assessment, including a description of the process and criteria used in prioritizing such health needs A description of the potential measures and resources identified through the CHNA to address the significant health needs An evaluation of the impact of any actions that were taken since the hospital facility finished conducting its immediately preceding CHNA, to address the significant health needs identified in the hospital’s prior CHNA(s) September 21, 2018

16 IRS Form 990 Schedule H September 21, 2018

17 IRS Form 990 Schedule H – Part V, B
Did assessment include: Definition of community Demographics of community Existing facilities and resources available to respond to needs How data is obtained Health needs of community Primary and chronic disease needs and other needs of Uninsured persons Low-income persons, and Minority groups Process for identifying and prioritizing needs Process for consulting with persons representing community’s interest Information gaps How assessment is made public September 21, 2018

18 CHNA – What Happened? Needs identified Access to care Obesity
Mental & dental health Diabetes Substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco) Issues Uncertainty – rules Lack of templates Time frames with health department Funds for implementation Leadership commitment September 21, 2018

19 Advice from the Field and All Experts
Conduct the assessment in collaboration with other hospitals and/or community partners Form assessment team/advisory committee that include key staff within the organization of public health officials and community representatives Engage board and senior leadership September 21, 2018

20 Advice from the Field and All Experts (con’t)
Review prior assessments and reports Include ER and hospital utilization data Use publicly available data from trusted sources September 21, 2018

21 Advice from the Field and All Experts (con’t)
Collect community input to validate secondary data and to fill in gaps Seek community input that reflects the racial, ethnic and economic diversity of the community Identify community assets September 21, 2018

22 Advice from the Field and All Experts (con’t)
Analyze data using comparisons with other communities and with federal or state benchmarks and, when available, trends within the community Establish criteria to identify priorities Validate assessment and priorities with community members September 21, 2018

23 Implementation Strategy
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act Require a Tax-Exempt Hospital to: Adopt an implementation strategy to meet community needs identified in the CHNA Describe how it is addressing needs identified in the CHNA Describe any needs identified in the CHNA that are not being addressed and the reasons for not addressing them September 21, 2018

24 IRS Final Rules 2014 September 21, 2018

25 What Should Implementation Strategy Describe?
Either: How the hospital plans to meet the significant health need or The significant health need as one the hospital does not intend to meet, explaining why the hospital does not intend to meet the health need September 21, 2018

26 What Must Be Included in Description to Meet Significant Needs?
The actions the hospital facility intends to take to address the significant health need The anticipated impact of these actions A plan to evaluate the impact The programs and resources the hospital plans to commit to address the health need Any planned collaboration between the hospital facility and other facilities or organizations September 21, 2018

27 How is Implementation Strategy Approved and Posted?
“Adopted” on the date it is adopted by the governing body of the hospital (the governing body, a committee of the governing body, or others authorized) Must be adopted on or before the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of the same taxable year in which the hospital conducts the CHNA. September 21, 2018

28 How is Implementation Strategy Reported?
Must be attached to hospital’s IRS Form 990 or provide on the Form 990 the URL9s) of the web page(s) Not required but recommended: Post on website Questions on IRS Form 990 Schedule H September 21, 2018

29 Part V, B – (Implementation Strategy – Related Questions Optional for 2011
If hospital addressed needs from CHNA, did it include? Adoption of an implementation strategy Execution of the implementation strategy Participation in community-wide community benefit plan Execution of a community-wide community benefit plan Inclusion of a community benefit section in operational plan Adoption of budget for services identified in CHNA Prioritization of health needs in community Prioritization of services the hospital will do September 21, 2018

30 Is There Accountability for Carrying Out Plan?
Hospitals must describe on 990 actions taken during the taxable year to address the significant health needs identified through its most recent CHNA or, if no actions were taken with respect to one or more of these needs, the reason or reasons why none were taken September 21, 2018

31 Advice From the Field and Experts: Prepare
Review current community benefits and CHNA results: Is there a gap? Review community assets, identify potential partners Review hospital resources, strategies opportunities for synergy Look upstream and at policy options September 21, 2018

32 Advice From the Field and Experts: Plan
Specify which needs will be addressed: By hospital, with others? By others? Research and select evidence-based strategies Build on existing programs and other community assets when possible Determine who will be involved: Community benefit and other staff? Community members? Board? HD? September 21, 2018

33 Advice From the Field and Experts - Document
For each prioritized need: Identify the goal to be achieved Measurable objective(s) Indicators for determining whether objectives were met Evaluation measures September 21, 2018


35 Policies Tax-exempt hospitals must have a written policy authorized and adopted by organization: Emergency medical care policy Financial assistance policy Billing and collections policy September 21, 2018

36 Emergency Medical Care Policy
Must have written policy for care for emergency conditions regardless of whether persons are FAP eligible May not discourage individuals from seeking emergency medical care (demand payment before serving, debt collection that interferes with care) Compliance with EMTALA is acceptable September 21, 2018

37 Financial Assistance Policy
Policy must include: Eligibility criteria for financial assistance, and whether such assistance includes free or discounted care Basis for calculating amounts charged to patients Method for applying for financial assistance If no separate billing and collections policy, actions hospital may take in the event of non-payment List of providers covered/not covered by policy (cannot be ER) September 21, 2018

38 Widely Publicize Financial Assistance Policy, Application, Summary
Make Copies available upon request Set up conspicuous displays in a facility public location including ER and admission areas Inform members of community likely to need Offer plain language summary as part of intake or discharge Include conspicuous notice on bills about availability, phone #, URL for more information Be available in languages spoken by lesser of 1000 or 5% of population September 21, 2018

39 Financial Assistance or Billing Policy
Must include: Any actions hospital may take related to nonpayment, including Extraordinary Collection Actions (ECA) Reasonable effort that will be taken to determine if patient is eligible before ECA Process and time frames for taking actions September 21, 2018

40 Extraordinary Collection Actions (ECAs)
Hospital/agent may not take Extraordinary Collection Actions until it takes reasonable efforts to determine eligibility for financial assistance Must not initiate until at least 120 days from date of first post-discharge bill Must notify about intent at least 30 days before action September 21, 2018

41 Extraordinary Collection Actions (ECAs)
Selling debt to another party Reporting to credit reporting agency Deferring of denying treatment of medically necessary care Actions that require legal process including: Lien to collect proceeds of judgments, foreclosing on property, seizing bank account, civil action, garnishing wages September 21, 2018

42 Reasonable Efforts Notify patient about FAP 30 days before initiating ECA Written notice that financial assistance is available and ECA that hospital intends to obtain payment, gives deadline after which ECA will occur (no earlier than 30 days after written notice Provide individual plain language summary of FAP Make reasonable effort to orally notify patient about FAP and how to get assistance September 21, 2018

43 Timeline for “Reasonable Efforts” Before Commencing ECA
Notification period: 120 days from first bill post- discharge Application period: 240 days from first bill post- discharge ECA notification period: Must send written notice 30 days prior to initiating an ECA. (Can be sent on day 210 of the Application Period). Must also make reasonable efforts to orally notify patient September 21, 2018

44 Limitation on Charges Must limit amount charged for emergency/medically necessary care for persons FAP eligible to amounts generally billed (look behind or prospective – such as Medicare/Medicaid Must limit amount charged for other medical necessary care covered by FAP for persons FAP eligible to less than gross charges September 21, 2018

45 Mission and Tradition In 1866, to respond to the diphtheria, yellow fever and typhoid epidemics, three French Sisters of the Incarnate Word came to Galveston, TX. When they arrived, they learned that not only were they needed to care for victims of disease, but for the children who had been orphaned by the epidemics. By 1900, there were 10 sisters and 93 orphans. That year, all but three of the orphans and all of sisters, including Sr. Vincent Cottier, pictured here, perished when a tidal wave struck Galveston. Every year, leaders of the hospital the sisters started asking: If those sisters were here today, what would they see, what would they do?

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