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10 Saying Goodbye Main Page Previous Next.

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1 10 Saying Goodbye Main Page Previous Next

2 10 Saying Goodbye Unit 10 Saying Good bye Main Page Previous Next

3 Welcome to the White Horse Hotel
10 Saying Goodbye Welcome to the White Horse Hotel School visits Well done, Omar! Saudi Review 10a 10b 10c 10d Main Page Previous Next

4 10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford Next Main Page Previous 10a
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford 10a 1 Listen, say and mark with a  Listen. When must Ibrahim be careful? Why? Because the cars drive on a different side of the road to Saudi Arabia Uncle Jim: How was your meeting at the International School, Ibrahim? Ibrahim: Fine thanks, Jim. Very useful. Er … Jim, it’s Friday today and we’d like to go to the mosque. Is that possible? Uncle Jim: Of course it is. There’s the Central Mosque near here in Manzil Way. It’s only a ten-minute walk. Look, I can show you on the map. We’re here. Go out of the hotel and turn left. Turn left into Marston Street and walk to the Cowley Road. Turn right here and walk until you see Manzil Way on your left. Walk down Manzil Way and the mosque is on your right. Main Page Previous Next

5  10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford Next Main Page Previous 10a
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford 10a 1 Listen, say and mark with a  Ibrahim: Thank you, Jim. Uncle Jim: And be careful when you cross the roads. Ibrahim: Why? Uncle Jim: Because the cars drive on the other of the road. b) Listen again. Mark the mosques on the map with a . Main Page Previous Next

6  10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford Next Main Page Previous 10a
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford 10a 2 Look, read and tick () Look at the picture. What do you think is happening? Fahad and Ibrahim are lost. b) Read the dialogue. Where are Fahad and Ibrahim? Mark on the map with a tick (). Fahad: Excuse me, but I think we’re lost. Policeman: Where are you going? Fahad: We’re trying to find the Central Mosque. Policeman: I see. Well, go back down this road. When you get to the Cowley Road, turn left and keep walking. When you arrive at Manzil way, turn left. The mosques is on your right. Fahad : thank you very much Main Page Previous Next

7 10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford Next Main Page Previous e b g a d c f
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford 10a 3 Read say and write. Look at the pictures and read the directions. In pairs, match the directions and pictures. e b g a d c f a Go across the road. b Walk through the park. c Go past the supermarket. d Walk along the road. e Go into the post office. f Come out of the shop. g come out of the shop. Main Page Previous Next

8 10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford Next Main Page Previous 10a
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford 10a 3 Read say and write. Look at the map. Follow the directions. Give and follow directions to another place on the map. 1 Walk along this road and turn right into the Park Street. Go past the Post Office and walk round the corner. It’s opposite you. What’s it? 2 Walk along this road. Go across Park Street and turn left into the park. Walk through the park. Go out of the park and turn right walk along the road and it’s on your right. What’s it? Main Page Previous Next

9 b) Listen again and repeat.
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Lost In Oxford 10a Pronunciation corner Listen to the words. park start dark turn mark short b) Listen again and repeat. c) Which letter is silent in these words? (Rr) Main Page Previous Next

10 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present Next Main Page Previous 10b
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present 10b 1 Look, match listen and answer. Listen. 1 Did Fahad and Ibrahim go to the mosques? Yes, he did. 2 What does Reema want Nina to do ? She wants her to open her present. 3 What do you think is going to happen? They’ve been given the wrong present. 1 Ranya: Did you hear, Penny? Ibrahim and Fahad got lost this afternoon. Penny: Oh, no! Are they OK? Ranya: Yes, they’re fine. A policeman helped them. He showed them the way to the mosque and now they’re back at the hotel. Penny: Good. Ranya: And now, Reema and I have got something for you … Penny, this is for you. Reema: And Nina, this is for you. Go on, open it. Main Page Previous Next

11 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present Next Main Page Previous
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present 10b 1 Look, match listen and answer. b) Listen to part 2. Were you correct? Penny: Oh … a teach-yourself-Arabic book. Nina: And I’ve got a Saudi cook book. Reema: Oh no, Mum! They’ve got the wrong presents. Ranya: I’m so sorry, Nina, Penny. The cook book’s for you, Penny … Reema: And the teach-yourself book’s for you, Nina. We’re so sorry! Penny: Don’t worry! It’s OK. Nina: Thank you, Reema. This is a great present. Now I can really learn Arabic. Penny: And I can cook more exciting food. Nina: Can I help you, Mum? Main Page Previous Next

12 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present  Next Main Page Previous 10b
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present 10b 1 Look, match listen and answer. c) Listen again. Are these sentences true or false? 1 Ranya gives Penny a Saudi cook book. T F 2 Reema gives Nina a Saudi cook book. T F 3 Nina’s going to cook some Saudi food. T F Main Page Previous Next

13 Fred: Look, Omar. I’ve got a letter from Yasser. Omar: A letter?
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present 10b 2 Read, listen and say. a) Read. What is Yasser learning in Dave’s English class? He’s learning to write poems in English. Fred: Look, Omar. I’ve got a letter from Yasser. Omar: A letter? Fred: It’s a long letter. He’s learning to write poems in English in my dad’s class. Look, here’s one, in the letter. Omar: Oh yes, let’s read it together, Fred. Main Page Previous Next

14 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present Next Main Page Previous 10b
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present 10b 2 Read, listen and say. b) Read the poem. C) Listen and repeat. Omar: Let’s read it together, Fred. Fred: OK. It’s called ‘I’m writing you a letter’. Ready? Omar: Yes. Omar: What are you doing, my friend, my dear friend? What are you doing, my friend? Fred: I’m writing you a letter, I’m telling you the news, Then I’m putting on my hat and coat, And putting on my shoes, I’m going to the post box, I’ve got no time to lose, I’m sending you a letter, my dear friend. Fred: I’m sending you a letter, I’m sending it today, It’s twenty pages long. I’ve got a lot to say. Could you answer, please, my letter And tell me you’re OK? Yes, I’m sending you a letter, my dear friend. Main Page Previous Next

15 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present Next Main Page Previous 10b
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye The Wrong Present 10b 3 Order and Listen. Fahad’s phoning Jim to say goodbye. Put the phone call into the correct order. Listen and Check. ANSWER Jim: Oxford Jim speaking. Fahad: Hello, Jim. It’s Fahad here. Jim: Hello, Fahad. Fahad: I’m leaving now. I’m going back to Bournemouth. I’d like to say ‘thank you’ for all your help. Jim: I didn’t do much … Fahad: You booked my room, you welcomed me. Jim: Oh, it was nothing. It was my pleasure, and a pleasure to meet you. Look, Fahad, you must come and visit us again. Fahad: Thank you very much. I’d like that. Well, I must go now. Thanks again. Goodbye, Jim. Jim: Bye, Fahad. Main Page Previous Next

16 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go Next Main Page Previous 10c
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go 10c 1 Listen, write and say. Listen and answer. 1 Who does Reema want to buy a present for? Her grandmother (grandma) 2 What fruit is in marmalade? oranges 3 Does Reema like marmalade? Yes Reema: Can you help me, Nina? I want to buy my grandma a present. Something traditional. Something English. Nina: Something traditional, something English … what about some jam or, better, some marmalade? Yes, why don’t you get her some marmalade? Main Page Previous Next

17 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go Next Main Page Previous b) Say.
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go 10c 1 Listen, write and say. Nina: It’s a kind of jam. We eat it for breakfast. It’s made of oranges. Reema: Oh, I know. I had some for breakfast at the hotel. It’s yummy! Nina: And I know a shop that sells some wonderful marmalade. We can go there tomorrow morning, before you leave. b) Say. Marmalade is traditional in England. What’s traditional in Saudi Arabia? What would you buy for an English friend? Main Page Previous Next

18 Look at the photographs. Put them in the correct order. b) Say.
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go 10c 2 Look, order and say. Look at the photographs. Put them in the correct order. b) Say. What’s happening in the Photographs? 4 3 1 2 Main Page Previous Next

19 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go Next Main Page Previous
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go 10c 3 Read and Answer. Now, class. It’s nearly the end of term and you’ve got your end-of-term exam. The first part is about Britain. I want you to do this today, please. Here you are. Main Page Previous Next

20 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go Next Main Page Previous      10c
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go 10c 3 Read and Answer. a) Can you help Yasser and Rakan answer the questions? Main Page Previous Next

21 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go Next Main Page Previous      10c
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Time To Go 10c 3 Read and Answer. b) Check your answers with another pair. Main Page Previous Next

22 10 Saying Goodbye Saudi Review Next Main Page Previous b f a i d h g e
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Saudi Review 10d 1 Match. Match the words and the definitions. b f i h g e c 1 Pineapple 2 Assembly 3 fortnight 4 postman 5 supermarket 6 seat belt 7 sneeze 8 umbrella 9 surname A two weeks B a kind of fruit C family name D you wear it in a car. E you use it when it rains. F the first thing in an English school morning. G you do this when you have a cold. H a shop that sells many things. I he brings letters to your house. a d Main Page Previous Next

23 10 Saying Goodbye Saudi Review Next Main Page Previous 10d
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Saudi Review 10d 2 Correct the Superlatives. 1 That was the baddest day of my life. 2 Reema isn’t the goodest at English in her class. 3 Asia is the bigest continent in the world. 4 Jabal Sowda is the most high mountain in Saudi Arabia. 5 It was the interstingest day Reema remembers. 6 Yasser’s old bag was the scruffyest in the class. worest best biggest highest most intersting scruffiest 3 Complete these sentences. Use these words. A any many much some 1 could I have more marmalade, please? 2 I’ve got banana and apples. 3 How jam do you want in your sandwich? 4 How bottles of water have we got? 5 She doesn’t want garlic or pizza. 6 we need bread, but we don’t need tea. some some a much many any some any Main Page Previous Next

24 It’s nearly the end of the book. It’s nearly time to go.
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Saudi Review 10d 4 Read, Listen and say. Never say ‘never’ Goodbye doesn’t mean we can’t meet again, Goodbye does not mean forever. I don’t know where, I don’t know when, But never, I never say ‘never’. Good friends we had, good friends they remain, Good friends are good friends forever. In good times and bad, in sun, wind and rain, They’re good friends whatever the weather. So please don’t be sad, please don’t feel low, Goodbye is never forever, Goodbye’s for today, but tomorrow’s hello So never, please, never say ‘never’. Goodbye does not mean we can’t meet again, Goodbye doesn’t mean forever. It’s nearly the end of the book. It’s nearly time to go. Read the poem. Listen and repeat. Main Page Previous Next

25 10 Saying Goodbye Saudi Review Next Main Page Previous 10d
رقم الصفحة 10 Saying Goodbye Saudi Review 10d 5 Say Goodbye! From Saudi Arabia … … and from England. Main Page Previous Next

26 10 Saying Goodbye Goodbye ! Main Page Previous Next

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