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RAG To simplify and expand brackets

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Presentation on theme: "RAG To simplify and expand brackets"— Presentation transcript:

1 RAG To simplify and expand brackets
21/09/2018 Keywords: like terms, unknown, brackets, expand, Sketch this shape into your book and see if you can write an expression for the perimeter of the shape.

2 What if the perimeter was 56?

3 Amber Green Red You have been given 12 sets of questions.
Next to each set of questions write R, A or G to reflect how confident you are that you can answer them. Do not answer them yet! Amber Green Red You know you can do them (no help needed) You think you can do them (help from partner needed) You don't know how to do them (need help)




7 Mini white boards ready!

8 Simplify the following
3a + 2b + 2a - b

9 True or False 2n means the same as n + 2

10 Expand the bracket 2(a + 6)

11 True or False 3(b + 2) = 3b + 5

12 Expand and simplify 3(x + 2) + 2(2x + 4)

13 Can you expand… (x + 2)(x + 4)

14 True or false 3a + 2a + 2b – b = 5a + b

15 Today’s Task Now its time to answer the questions that you rated at the start of the lesson. It is important that you start with the questions that you rated amber.

16 Plenary Can you spot my mistake? 3(2x + 5) = 5x + 8

17 Convince me that… 3(x + 4) is not the same as 3x + 7 7a – a does not equal 6.

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