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Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences SBS200 - Lecture Section 001, Fall 2017 Room 150 Harvill Building 10:00 - 10:50 Mondays, Wednesdays.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences SBS200 - Lecture Section 001, Fall 2017 Room 150 Harvill Building 10:00 - 10:50 Mondays, Wednesdays."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences SBS200 - Lecture Section 001, Fall 2017 Room 150 Harvill Building 10: :50 Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Welcome

2 Lecturer’s desk Projection Booth Screen Screen Harvill 150 renumbered
Row A 15 14 Row A 13 3 2 1 Row A Row B 23 20 Row B 19 5 4 3 2 1 Row B Row C 25 21 Row C 20 6 5 1 Row C Row D 29 23 Row D 22 8 7 1 Row D Row E 31 23 Row E 23 9 8 1 Row E Row F 35 26 Row F 25 11 10 1 Row F Row G 35 26 Row G 25 11 10 1 Row G Row H 37 28 27 13 Row H 12 1 Row H 41 29 28 14 Row J 13 1 Row J 41 29 Row K 28 14 13 1 Row K Row L 33 25 Row L 24 10 9 1 Row L Row M 21 20 19 Row M 18 4 3 2 1 Row M Row N 15 1 Row P 15 1 Harvill 150 renumbered table 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Projection Booth Left handed desk

3 Schedule of readings Before our fourth and final exam (December 4th)
OpenStax Chapters 1 – 13 (Chapter 12 is emphasized) Plous Chapter 17: Social Influences Chapter 18: Group Judgments and Decisions

4 Over next couple of lectures 11/20/17
Logic of hypothesis testing with Correlations Interpreting the Correlations and scatterplots Simple and Multiple Regression Using correlation for predictions r versus r2 Regression uses the predictor variable (independent) to make predictions about the predicted variable (dependent) Coefficient of correlation is name for “r” Coefficient of determination is name for “r2” (remember it is always positive – no direction info) Standard error of the estimate is our measure of the variability of the dots around the regression line (average deviation of each data point from the regression line – like standard deviation) Coefficient of regression will “b” for each variable (like slope)

5 Lab sessions No Labs this week Everyone will want to be enrolled
in one of the lab sessions No Labs this week

6 No class on Wednesday Happy Holiday!

7 Homework Assignment

8 A note on doodling

9 Project 4 - Two Correlations - We will use these to create two regression analyses


11 Scatterplot displays relationships between two continuous variables
Correlation: Measure of how two variables co-occur and also can be used for prediction Range between -1 and +1 The closer to zero the weaker the relationship and the worse the prediction Positive or negative

12 by height (centimeters)
Positive correlation: as values on one variable go up, so do values for the other variable Negative correlation: as values on one variable go up, the values for the other variable go down Positive Correlation Negative Correlation Perfect Correlation Height of Mothers by height of Daughters Brushing teeth by number cavities Height (inches) by height (centimeters) Height in Centimeters inches Height of Mothers Brushing Teeth Height of Daughters Number Cavities

13 Correlation - How do numerical values change?
Revisit this slide

14 Final results might look like this
Predicting One positive correlation 15 12 9 6 3 “Passion for Gaming” Score Time Studying



17 Regression: Predicting level of passion for gaming
Step 1: Draw prediction line b = (slope) a = 5.72 (intercept) Right click on dots Draw a regression line and regression equation

18 Regression: Predicting level of passion for gaming
Step 1: Draw prediction line b = (slope) a = 5.72 (intercept) Draw a regression line and regression equation

19 Regression: Predicting level of passion for gaming
Step 1: Draw prediction line b = (slope) a = 5.72 (intercept) Draw a regression line and regression equation

20 Regression: Predicting level of passion for gaming
Step 1: Draw prediction line b = (slope) a = 5.72 (intercept) Draw a regression line and regression equation

21 Regression: Predicting level of passion for gaming
Describe relationship Regression line (and equation) r = .67 Correlation: This is a strong positive correlation. Passion tends to increase as number of hours increase Predict using regression line (and regression equation) b = (slope) Slope: for each additional hour spent studying, passion increase by points Dependent Variable Intercept: suggests that we can assume each person starts with a baseline passion of 5.72 Independent Variable a = 5.72 (intercept)

22 Final results might look like this
Predicting One positive correlation 80 60 40 20 “Number Systems Sold” Number of Sales Calls



25 Regression: Predicting sales from sales calls
Step 1: Draw prediction line Right click on dots Draw a regression line and regression equation

26 Display Equation and Display R-squared
Regression: Predicting sales from sales calls r = b = (slope) Step 1: Draw prediction line a = (intercept) Choose Display Equation and Display R-squared Draw a regression line and regression equation

27 Regression: Predicting sales from sales calls
b = (slope) Step 1: Draw prediction line a = (intercept) Draw a regression line and regression equation

28 Regression: Predicting sales from sales calls
Describe relationship Regression line (and equation) r = Correlation: This is a strong positive correlation. Sales tend to increase as number of sales calls increase Predict using regression line (and regression equation) b = (slope) Slope: for each additional sales call, sales increase by Dependent Variable Intercept: suggests that we can assume each person starts with a baseline sales of Independent Variable a = (intercept)

29 How to complete scatterplots, correlations and simple regressions using Excel
Real time demo

30 Review

31 Summary Intercept: suggests that we can assume each salesperson will sell at least systems Slope: as sales calls increase by one, more systems should be sold Review

32 Writing Assignment

33 Thank you! See you next time!!

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