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American Work ® Corporate Account Reconciliation

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1 American Express @ Work ® Corporate Account Reconciliation
CAR User Community Meeting Audio: US Toll free, international direct, Participant passcode for audio only is September 21, 2018

2 American Express @ Work ® Corporate Account Reconciliation (CAR) User Community Meeting
October 17th, 11:00AM ET Presenters: Damien Brown, CAR Product Manager - Development Silvia Aldana-Tuggle, CAR Product Manager – Production Facilitator: Silvia Aldana-Tuggle, CAR Product Manager Questions/Comments:

3 Agenda Changes to reallocation screen
Q&A regarding changes to reallocation screen 2013 Enhancement Recap Q&A How do I schedule a communication from CAR?

4 High Level Overview of Phase 23 Release Content
Reallocation Screen Changes - The reallocation screen will be modified to enhance the user experience by minimizing the need for users to search for accounting values.  CAR will create a pre- populated list based on the accounting values selected by the user over time. Here are a few things to know regarding this change: Initially, accounting drop downs will not contain values but CAR will begin to create a list of pre-populated accounting values which will show available in the drop down for future use. CAR will store up to 2,000 values.  If this limit is exceeded, the oldest value will be replaced with the newest value. This does not impact your validation tables; users will only be able to search and select from values you have defined as valid. The next few slides contain screenshots of the changes to the reallocation screen.

5 Card Data Tab There are no changes to the Card Data tab. Users will continue to click on the “Reallocate” button in order to update accounting.

6 Reallocate Screen: Empty Drop Down
It is important to note that initially a user’s drop down will not contain values to select from. The user will see one of two options “Show All” or “Search All” in the drop down. “Show All” will display if all available values can be downloaded. By clicking on this option all values will download and show available in the drop down. “Search All” will display if a search is required due to large amount of values to select from. Clicking on this option will open the search window so they may search for specific values. Users may also click on the magnifying glass to search for specific values.

7 Reallocate Screen: Search Screen
When “Search All” or the magnifying glass is selected the user will receive the following pop up. Please note that this option is not applicable to “Show All”. The user can do one of the following on this screen: Enter a specific accounting value or description to search. Do a wild card search by leaving the asterisks and clicking ok. Please note: on the wild card search, if there are more than 2,000 values the user will receive a message warning them that they have hit the limit and only the first 2,000 values will download. The user may choose to refine their search if the value that they need was not downloaded with the initial 2,000.

8 Reallocate Screen: Adding Accounting Values to Drop Down 1 of 2
Once a user has selected their desired accounting values for the transaction they will click the “Submit” button business as usual. By clicking the “Submit” button, The transaction will be updated with the accounting values and the accounting values will now display in the user’s drop down. CAR will continue to add new values to the user’s drop down as they continue to reallocate. Eventually, the user will build a list of their most used values which will minimize the need for searching. Please note that there is a 2,000 value limit. If a user exceeds the limit the oldest added value will be replaced with the newest added value.

9 Reallocate Screen: Adding Accounting Values to Drop Down 2 of 2
The following screenshot is an example showing that accounting value “10004”, which the user previously searched and reallocated a transaction to, has now been added to the drop down. The user will no longer need to search this value and can select it from the drop down.

10 Reallocate Screen: Show Previously Used
A user who has chosen “Show All” or “Search All” will see a list of the accounting values in their drop down. If the user would like to only see accounting values that have been added to their list of most commonly used values, they should select the “Show Previously Used Only” option in the drop down. This will revert the list of accounting values in the drop down to only display those that have been added as their most commonly used list.

11 Reallocate Screen: Selecting or Maintaining Accounting Values
A link has been added to the reallocation screen that users can click on to select previously used accounting values or to maintain their list of most commonly used accounting values. By clicking on the link a new pop up window will appear (see next slide).

12 Reallocate Screen: Select/Maintain Accounting
By clicking on the link on the reallocation screen the user will receive the following pop up. Displays the user’s previously used accounting values. The user can select the desired row and click “OK” to apply all of the selected accounting values to the transaction. The “Delete” and “Delete All” buttons allow the user to maintain their list of values. The user can select a row and click “Delete” to remove from the list. “Delete All” will remove all rows of values. The user will receive a warning message when clicking on either option which will allow them to cancel the delete command if desired. The filter can be used to search for specific accounting values within the user’s most commonly used values. Please note that initially the list will be blank until the user builds up their list by searching and reallocating accounting values to transactions. 3 1 2 If a value is removed from your validation table, the user will still see the value in their drop down or their list of favorites, However, they will not be able to reallocate to it as they will receive an error message, and the value will then be removed from their list. If you anticipate major accounting value changes, you may want to encourage users to delete individual values and/or delete their entire list.

13 Suggested Next Steps Communicate these changes with your users. A URL has been provided in the body of the that links to a training deck that can be shared with users. Slide 27 contains suggested verbiage for the user . You can schedule s directly from CAR. The following URL provides instructions on how to schedule a Custom ter/US/Docs/Reconciliation%20and%20Reports/CAR/CAR_ _Quick_Ref_Guide.pdf For additional questions regarding scheduling an please contact the CAR helpdesk.

14 Q&A

15 Recap of 2013 Enhancements

16 New CAR Features 2013 Feature Description Date
Required Allocation Description, Publish Search, Native File Support for Receipt Imaging Work Single Sign-On Ability to require Allocation Description New permissions allows user to create and publish searches to users. For Receipt Imaging reduce the amount of rejected PDF’s by allowing attaching of native format. @ Work Administrators can access Work and CAR through Work credentitials. May 3rd, 2013 Print Cover Page, Receipt Imaging Enhancements and CM Manager Assignment File RI Clients, fax cover sheet now has customizable labels All Clients, New summary cover page with customizable labels is now available. RI Clients, new receipt package is available with customizable data elements RI Clients, additional imaging options have been added Automate the assignment and removal of cards to/from CM Manager profiles. August 5th, 2013 Reallocation Screen Updates Updates to the reallocation screen that will enhance the user experience by minimizing the need to search and creating a pre-populated list of previously used values that is specific to each user. October 25th, 2013

17 Required Allocation A new configuration setting has been added to the Card Type Level screen that allows the site administrator to enable the functionality. When a user reallocates a transaction where the “Required Allocation Description” is set to “Yes” for that specific Card Type, a message will be presented to the user stating “Entry is Required”. Users can Mass Reallocate to this field as well as create searches. For additional details please review the Phase 21 Release Notes located in the Resource Center Link to CAR Resource Center:

18 Publish Search Two new permissions have been added, to support the ability for users to publish searches at a Company or Site Level. A user that is not a search manager, will now see up to 3 search folders: CompanySearches, SiteSearches MySearches A folder will only show if there is at least 1 search posted in the folder. For additional details please review the Phase 21 Release Notes located in the Resource Center. Link to CAR Resource Center:

19 @ Work SSO Single Sign-On
CAR Administrators with access Work have the option of using Work ID and password to access CAR. This service is not currently available to Users that do not have access Work. Administrators wishing to Work and CAR from a single location, will log in to:

20 Print Cover Page: RI Transmittal Page Updated
For Receipt Imaging Clients, the former shipping address and faxing instruction fields now support custom labels. Existing setups will not be automatically updated, but can be changed to reflect new labels if you have the need to show different information on your fax cover page. This is an example of the Receipt Imaging Cover Page with the labels customized. The words “former” has been added to the 2 labels. If you are interested in customizing the labels, please contact the helpdesk for assistance.

21 Print Cover Page: Transaction Summary
For all clients, a new customizable transaction summary cover page has been added. This allows the user to print a cover page that contains company policy details and/or required Cardmember and Cardmember Manager signatures. When users print, the new summary page will always be included. If they do not want or need it, they can discard it after they print. If the user wants each transaction to print as well, then they would select Transaction Summary and Details. See release notes for examples of the new cover page located in Resource Center. Note: BCA managers will need to print from the Card Data tab, as selecting a CM from the Accounts and Cycles tab does not activate this print feature. If you are interested in customizing the labels, please contact the helpdesk for assistance. Link to CAR Resource Center:

22 Cardmember Management Assignment
We now support the ability to automate the assignment and removal of Cards from a Cardmember Manager’s profile. This is a great feature if you have to constantly make updates to manager profiles as it will allow CAR to take a file from you (in the right format) and load these changes. With this change you now have the ability to make the employee id field in User Profile Maintenance required. This will continue to default to “not required” unless the setting is marked a required. This setting can be updated by the helpdesk. A new drop down option has been added to User Profile Maintenance, it only applies to clients taking advantage of this new feature. A user can be updated to Manual Only updates to protect the user from being updated via the automated process. If you are interested in making changes to your archive file, please contact your account representative.

23 Cardmember Management Assignment Flow
File is created by Client File is sent via SFT CAR receives File and runs task CAR creates and updates CM Managers CAR assigns/updates CM Manager(s) Field Number Nov 7 Field Name Mandatory or Optional Min/Max Length Description 1 Employee’s Employee Number Mandatory 4 / 15 This will be their company Employee Number. Do not strip leading zeros. 2 Employee’s SMTP Address / 64 This is the address for this user 3 Employee's First Name 32 Employee First name (Used to identify people clearly, no logic around it). 4 Employee's Middle Initial Optional Employee Middle Initial 5 Employee's Last Name Employee Last Name 6 Manager’s Employee Number 4 / 15 This will be their company Employee Number. 7 Manager’s SMTP Address 8 Manager’s First Name (Used to identify people clearly, no logic around it 9 Manager’s Middle Initial 10 Manager’s Last Name

24 CM Manager Assignment Example
Previous view Damien Brown Updated view Damien Brown Previous view Silvia Aldana Updated view Silvia Aldana Added Removed

25 Q&A

26 Appendix

27 Suggested End User Communication
On October 25th 2013, the CAR reallocation screen will be enhanced to improve performance and your overall experience. If you update accounting in CAR these changes will impact you. A training deck has been created for your review that can be accessed by copying and pasting the link provided below to your web browser. The changes are less cosmetic and more around functionality and the process to reach the reallocation screen has not changed. The biggest impact to you is that drop downs initially will not contain values and you will need to search in order to reallocate. However, based on what values you reallocate to, CAR will begin to create a list of pre-populated accounting values which will show available in the drop down for future use. If you have any questions please contact us (enter your contact details here) URL: ourceCenter/US/Docs/Reconciliation%20and%20Reports/CAR/Phase%2023%20Oct% %20End%20User%20Training_final.ashx

28 E-mail – Creating the body of the E-mail
8 3 2 4 5 6 7 Outside of CAR, create the body of your and save as a .txt file Login to CAR as an Administrator and Select Maintenance (ensure you are on the templates tab) Click Template Type drown and select Custom Click the … to the right of template set and enter a template name Click Language drop down and select a language Enter Subject of Click Import Mail Template Body and look for the .txt file you previously saved and click ok Hit Save Now that your template has been created it is time to schedule (see next slide for instructions). Ensure to click on the Schedule tab

29 E-mail – Scheduling your E-mail
12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Click the Trigger Event Drop down and select Custom Enter a Schedule Name Select Once as your frequency Select a date you would like the to generate Click the Template Drop Down and select the Template name (typically the last one on the list) Ensure Status is Active Check Send report if you would like a notification of when the went out and who received it (optional) If requesting an report enter who should receive the and select a language Click Specify Recipients Click Adressee type and select a role (only one role should be schedule, if you have multiple roles that need to receive the you will need to repeat the scheduling steps. You may use the same template) Click Add Click Save

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