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Step Ahead Book 5 Unit 3 Creating a Comic Strip 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Step Ahead Book 5 Unit 3 Creating a Comic Strip 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step Ahead Book 5 Unit 3 Creating a Comic Strip 1

2 the factors affecting the writing of a comic strip
In this lesson, you will learn about: the factors affecting the writing of a comic strip the organisation of a comic strip the features of a comic strip the writing process

3 What factors affect the writing of a comic strip?

4 Genre Audience Purpose
The style and structure of writing is affected by three factors: Genre i.e. What is the text type? e.g. a comic strip Audience Purpose i.e. Who will read my comic? e.g. schoolmates and friends i.e. Why am I writing? e.g. to use pictures and words to create a story

5 schoolmates and friends
What is the genre for this writing task? a comic strip Who is the audience for this genre? schoolmates and friends other cartoonists or illustrators general readers

6 to use pictures and words to create a story
What is the purpose of the comic strip? to use pictures and words to create a story to create a three-dimensional experience for the reader: pictures, sounds and thoughts

7 Exercise 1 Tick the sentence below which most likely comes from a comic strip. 1. I like reading comics. 2. Aha! Come on! hurry up! 2. Aha! Come on, hurry up! 3. This comic strip is about an imaginary creature, Doggiefly. I hope you’ll all like it. 4. Christmas day is a time to have a gathering with your friends and family.

8 What does a comic strip include?

9 A comic strip includes:
panels captions speech bubbles sound bubbles

10 panels contain pictures and text

11 describe what is happening in the scene
Captions: describe what is happening in the scene The robber barged into the supermarket with a gun.

12 Here comes the last screw to be fixed, my dear Doggiefly!
Speech bubbles: we use speech bubbles to present speech Here comes the last screw to be fixed, my dear Doggiefly!

13 Sound bubbles: onomatopoeic words are words that sound like the things that they are describing, e.g. hiss, boom. Bang!

14 What are the main features of a comic strip?

15 a title to tell readers the main theme of the comic
In a comic strip, we use: a title to tell readers the main theme of the comic abbreviations

16 We use the title to tell readers the main theme of the comic:
think of something clever and witty, a name that will arouse readers’ interest have some practical relationship to the actual subject matter of your comic e.g. Doggiefly, the smartest robot ever!

17 We use abbreviations to shorten words :
e.g. LOL! (Laugh out loud) e.g. Brb (Be right back)

18 Exercise 2 Choose the best word to complete each sentence. ouch aw, gee ssh yuck achoo yum ____________! The baby is sleeping! ____________! That hurts! ____________! Do we have another meeting this afternoon! Ooh! Garlic bread – ___________! Oh _________! I hate mayonnaise! __________! It’s dusty in here! Ssh Ouch Aw, gee yum yuck Achoo

19 The Writing Process 19

20 How do I generate ideas for a comic strip?

21 Use note sheets to keep track of details:
Title: ________________________________________ Setting: ______________________________________ Characters: ___________________________________ Plot: _________________________________________

22 Use panels to plan your comic strip:
Write down what to include in each panel:

23 Surprise Excitement Onomatopoeia
Vocabulary Common words and phrases used in a comic strip: Surprise Excitement Onomatopoeia Are you sure? My goodness! Oh, my! Really? Unbelievable! What? What a surprise! Cool! Genius! Great! Hurray! Thank heaven! Well done! You’re smart! Achoo! Buzz! Click! Crackle! Sizzle! Ssh! Whoosh! 23

24 How do I draw a comic strip?

25 Pre-writing Drafting Editing Proofreading
-brainstorm ideas using mind maps, tables, etc. -note down ideas, vocabulary Drafting -use a flow chart to outline your writing plan -draft your writing Editing -re-read and examine your draft -correct for ideas, organisation, style Proofreading -proofread for spelling, grammar, punctuation -correct any mistakes Finished product

26 Three factors affect writing: audience purpose
Summary: genre Three factors affect writing: audience purpose Organisation of a comic strip: panels captions speech bubbles sound bubbles

27 Features of a comic strip: a title
Summary: Features of a comic strip: a title abbreviation Generate ideas using: note sheets six panels

28 The writing process: pre-writing drafting editing proofreading
Summary: The writing process: pre-writing drafting editing proofreading

29 Step Ahead Book 5 Unit 3 The End

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