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Black Saga Coaches Webinar October 11th 4p. m. -5p. m

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Presentation on theme: "Black Saga Coaches Webinar October 11th 4p. m. -5p. m"— Presentation transcript:

1 Black Saga Coaches Webinar October 11th 4p. m. -5p. m
Black Saga Coaches Webinar October 11th 4p.m.-5p.m. Gerri Otto & Abeer Shinnawi Click the microphone icon at the top of the Audio & Video window to enter the Setup Wizard and configure your speakers and microphone. Welcome! The workshop will begin soon. Please take some time right now to configure your speakers and mic. Feel free to test your microphone by using the Talk button. Remember to turn your mic off after testing! Click the Talk button to activate your mic. Notice a mic will appear on the button when active. Be sure to click the button again when done speaking.

2 How it works

3 What is Black Saga? Black Saga is a program that broadens students knowledge of African American history and their valued contributions to our nation. The competition is for elementary and middle school students.  The emphasis is on building teamwork, study skills and academic discipline.

4 Black Saga is an EDA…. It is a level 1 EDA ($1,023) It is paid at the end of the school year. Note: two people can share the EDA, which means they share the work and the pay. The estimated hours spent is hours

5 Examples of Specific Duties of the EDA Sponsor:
Preparation and Planning Secures meeting location and develops meeting times Researches and collects materials for use in meetings Plans, coordinates and supervises Black Saga competitions * Creates morning announcements and flyers announcing competitions Recruits students Registers team for county competitions Makes travel arrangements for competitions as needed

6 Middle Schools: Catonsville Middle Deer Park Middle Dumbarton Middle
Northwest Academy of Health Sciences Middle River Middle Sudbrook Magnet Middle Parkville Middle

7 Elementary- (Westside) Schools:
Cedarmere Deer Park Edmonson Heights Featherbed Lansdowne Westowne Westchester Winand Woodbridge Woodmoor

8 Elementary (Eastside) Schools:
Berkshire Chapel Hill Gunpowder Kingsville Logan Mays Chapel Padonia International Pleasant Plains Pinewood Seventh District Sparks Stoneleigh Villa Cresta West Towson

9 BCPS Black Saga Competitions 2017-18
2/1/18 Middle School Regional and Elementary School (Westside) Regional- Carver High School Middle School 3:45 p.m. check in 4:00 p.m. start of competition Elementary School check in 4:45 p.m. start of competition 5:00 p.m. 2/15/18 Snow date-same schedule

10 BCPS Black Saga Competitions 2017-18 Round One
2/8/18 Elementary School Regional (Eastside)- Carver High School 4:15 p.m. check in 4:30 p.m. start of competition 2/28/18 Snow date- Same schedule

11 BCPS Black Saga Competitions 2017-18 Round two
3/10/18 Final Competition Middle and Elementary Regional Winners and Wild Cards- Carver High School 8:30 a.m. check in 9:00 a.m. Start of competition.

12 Competition Information:
Each school can send two teams consisting of 3 students.  All Black Saga participants are encouraged to attend the competitions. These are the instructions for the competitions: The Black Saga Competition will consist of 10 rounds. In each round, all teams are asked the same question. Teams have 20 seconds to write their answers unless they are told otherwise. A team may ask for a question to be repeated or request a word in the question to be spelled only two times. The request must be made immediately. After the question is repeated or the word is spelled, the team will have the remainder of the 20 seconds in which to answer. The correct answer will then be given and the scores tallied. At the end of all Rounds, the points for each team will be totaled and the teams continuing the finals will be announced. In the case of a tie, we will have tiebreaker questions. All ties will be broken before any placements are announced. Teams are encouraged to listen carefully to each question using complete and correct terminology in their answers. For example, teams should say Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. rather than “King” and Harriet Tubman rather than “Tubman.” Teams are encouraged to use the first and last names of individuals. Shortened forms of certain names may be acceptable to our judges, but teams should give the full and most accurate name(s). No team will be penalized for inaccurate pronunciation so long as it can be determined that they know the correct answer.

13 Black Saga Regional Competition Awards

14 Black Saga Final Competition Awards

15 Questions: How often do teams meet and how long do they meet?
What activities are done at practices that help teams learn the information? How do you get parents involved? What is the minimum amount of students allowed in the group? Is there a curriculum to follow in terms of studying the facts in preparation for the competition? What is the timeline for the club? Does it end after the competition? Where can I find recommended activities to ensure my students are learning and prepared for the competition?

16 Social Studies WIKI Click onto a folder

17 Uploading to the WIKI

18 Contact Information: Renee Baylin John Billingslea Dani Biancolli Michael Crispens Gerri Otto Abeer Shinnawi Office of Social Studies or 4017 Office of Social Studies Wiki

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