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Presentation #3 Comes after Arts in the GD, and New Deal Photography

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1 Presentation #3 Comes after Arts in the GD, and New Deal Photography

2 Bernice Abbot First began to study sculpture in New York, 1918
Moved to Paris, 1921, and became attracted to photography 1926, Abbot had her first solo exhibition in Paris, which led her to establish her own studio Returned to the U.S. in 1929 and was struck by the growing metropolis She proposed a documentary survey project for the WPA titled “Changing New York”.



5 Contrasting No. 331 East 39th Street with Chrysler Building and Daily News Building, Manhattan
Architects tried to alleviate the depressed vibe of American citizens by encouraging growth and the feeling of progression through the construction of skyscrapers. Abbott’s Contrasting (1938) sets up a dramatic juxtaposition between the old and quickly disappearing, like heavy brick building, New York and the new lighter skyscrapers. Different from the works of the FSA because it was not set in a rural setting, and did not express a political agenda.


7 Social Realism American Gothic: Grant Wood

8 Critical Social Realism
The Senate: William Gropper

9 Celebratory Dance Marathon: Philip Evergood

10 New Forms of Music Swing Blues Folk
Orrin Tucker: Blues Bessie Smith: Folk Huddie Ledbetter: John Lomax:

11 The Golden Age of Hollywood


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