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Table 2-1 p43. Table 2-1 p43 Amending the Texas Constitution.

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2 Table 2-1 p43

3 Amending the Texas Constitution

4 Table 6-1 p140

5 Table 6-2 p149

6 Table 4-1 Policy Differences Between Liberals and Conservatives

7 Figure 5.1 The Decentralized Nature of American Political Parties and the Importance of the National Party’s Service Function The diagram shows the semiindependent relationship that exists among national, state, and local party organizations and the increasingly important services and funds provided by the national party organization. Figure 5-1 p117

8 Table 4-1 p85

9 Table 4-2 p85

10 Figure 4.2 Voter Turnout from around the World The United States is most similar to India, Russia, and Tunisia. Figure 4-2 p84

11 How do states regulate voter eligibility?
Table 13.2 How do states regulate voter eligibility?

12 Punch Card Machine

13 Punch Card Machine (Florida)

14 Optical Scan

15 Optical Scan Problems

16 Eslate Machine

17 Absentee Voting

18 Voter Fraud

19 Figure 4.3 A Typical Texas Ballot from Bexar County Recall from the text that Republican candidates were listed first in 2014 because their candidate (former Governor Rick Perry) received the most votes in the previous gubernatorial election. Notice that voters are able to vote for all of the candidates of a single party—that is, vote a straight ticket—by making a single mark on the ballot. It is in midterm elections, like this one in 2014, that state executives are elected. Figure 4-3 p96

20 Figure 4.4 An English– Vietnamese Ballot Used in Harris County for the 2012 General Election This ballot offers the straight-party option and then the candidates for the separate offices, consistently listing the Republicans first, then the Democrats, followed by other candidates. Figure 4-4 p99

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