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“I pray thee gentle mortal, sing again...”

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1 “I pray thee gentle mortal, sing again...”

2 Reading the text Before we start to analyse each scene in detail (step 2) we need to read for overall understanding and context. This will allow you to: add to your notes from your film viewing on structure and effect (AO1: ‘informed response’) add to your AO4 notes and begin to apply them more specifically to the text (AO4: ‘significance and influence of contexts’) create a foundation to build on with your in-depth AO2 analysis (AO1: ‘informed response’)

3 After each scene... 1. Make notes on the characters, setting and events of the scene + any immediately obvious AO4

4 2. Add to your timeline for each of the four plots, noting where they overlap and/or meet
3. Answer the questions on your sheet

5 4. Research your given reference or topic and prepare to share your findings with the class
Act 1 Scene 1: Ancient Greece and Athens Theseus Hippolyta and the Amazons Marriage in Shakespeare’s time Diana, goddess of the moon and hunting Cupid and his arrows (esp. lead arrows) + “painted blind” Venus’ doves “the Carthage queen” (Dido) and “false Troyan” (Aeneas) Phoebe

6 Act 1 Scene 2 The names of the ‘mechanicals’ – Bottom Quince Snug Flute Snout Starveling Pyramus and Thisbe ‘Ercles’ = Hercules ‘Phibbus’ = Phoebus, the sun god The three Fates ‘French crowns have no hair at all’ – the ‘French disease’ and baldness

7 Act 2 Scene 1 Robin Goodfellow/Puck Elizabethan ideas of fairies and spirits Changelings Corin and Phillida (pastoral poetry) Theseus’ women: Perigenia, Aegles, Ariadne and Antiopa Hiems Neptune ‘the imperial votress’ (Queen Elizabeth I) Apollo and Daphne

8 Act 2 Scene 2 Philomel Symbolism of the serpent

9 Act 3 Scene 1 ‘eight and six’ as a ballad form The ‘man in the moon’, his lantern and bush of thorns Ninus’ tomb (Ninah, the founder of Nineveh) Symbolism of an ass head Cuckold Elizabethan use of peaseblossom/peasecod, mustardseed, moth and cobweb

10 Act 3 Scene 2 Elizabethan beliefs about sighs and love Tartar’s bow Acheron ‘Aurora’s harbinger’ and Aurora the goddess

11 Act 4 Scene 1 ‘the tongs and the bones’ Hercules and Cadmus ‘hounds of Sparta’ ‘Thessalian bulls’ 1 Corinthians 2: 9-10

12 Act 4 Scene 2 ‘sixpence’ in Shakespeare’s time

13 Act 5 Scene 1 Helen of Troy The Lapiths and the Centaurs Orpheus and the Bacchae Spenser’s ‘The Tears of the Muses’ ‘Limander’ = Leander and ‘Helen’ = Hero ‘Shafalus to Procrus’ = Cephalus and Procris Bergamesque dance (Bergamo, Italy) Hecate – in ‘triple’ form (Luna/Cynthia; Diana; Proserpina)

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