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AASIS Year End Instructions



4 Wendell Jones Director of Fleet Services Walter Ederle Fleet Maintenance Manager Renee Tyler Special Programs Coordinator Fleet Services Department City of Little Rock June 19, 2014

5 City of Little Rock Fleet Services Department
Fleet Services was originally a division of the General Services Department. In 1994, Fleet Services had grown sufficiently to be established as a Department in its own right, with three (3) divisions at that time: Administration, Acquisitions and Maintenance. Today, Fleet Services is growing by leaps and bounds, with four (4) divisions and 70 full and part time employees. Fleet Services currently provides services to 14 City Departments as well as several external customers, including the Little Rock Housing Authority, the Little Rock office of the U.S. Marshall Service, the DownTown Partnership, MEMS Ambulance Services, the City of Maumelle Police Department and the Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau.

6 It is the mission of the City of Little Rock Fleet Services Department to provide cost efficient, quality vehicles, work equipment, vehicle storage, fuel, and other fleet support services to our customers in a timely manner, while being responsible stewards of our natural resources and the tax dollars of the citizens of Little Rock. It is the objective of the Fleet Services Department to continuously seek and employ means to administer the most cost efficient, safety conscious and environmentally friendly fleet operations program possible. Our success will be confirmed in the responsible and productive use of citizens’ tax dollars. An equally premium priority for Fleet Services is to effectively meet the needs of our City Department users, ensuring their capability to provide vital services to the Little Rock community. Parts room at J.E. Davis facility

7 Fleet Services Department Organization Chart
City of Little Rock Fleet Services Department Organization Chart

8 Fleet Services Department Administrative Division
The Administrative Division is responsible for directing all functions of the Department as well as holding primary responsibility for developing Department Policies and Procedures, processing all Human Resources actions and paperwork for the Department, providing information for special projects and reports, safety and other training, vehicle and equipment acquisitions and disposal, vehicle and equipment inventory, parts purchasing and distribution, parts inventory and acting as liaison to the City Manager’s Office. Personnel actions and issues Departmental Policies and Procedures Purchase and distribution of parts Parts inventory management Supervise Department Administrative staff Provide direction to Division Managers Ensure safety of facilities Schedule and provide training Ensure OSHA compliance Manage all vehicles and equipment acquisition and disposal Inventory and property management for vehicles and equipment Develop and manage division budget Process Departmental payroll Act as liaison to IT for Department issues

9 Fleet Services Department Support Services Division
Fleet Services Support Services Division is responsible for developing the Department budget, auditing fleet inventory and capital assets, accounts payable, billing, accounts receivable, and City vehicle accident processing. Develop and manage Department budget Account for all Department funds Audit internal inventory and capital assets Manage wreck administration Advise and consult Division Managers relating to financial issues and City Finance Policy and Procedures Act as Department liaison to the City Finance Department Act as liaison regarding financial issues to all Fleet customers Supervise Division staff Manage division related customer and support services

10 Fleet Services Department Maintenance Division
The Maintenance Division is responsible for managing scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and repairs for all City vehicles and equipment and managing annual purchase orders relating to maintenance and repairs. The Maintenance Division operates two (2) facilities. The J.E. Davis facility includes the Light Duty shop, the Heavy Duty shop, the Fire shop, the Paint and Body shop, and the Tire shop. The Landfill facility is located on-site at the City’s Landfill and is responsible for maintaining all vehicles and equipment related to City Sanitation services. Manage maintenance of City owned vehicles and equipment Develop and manage Division budget Develop Division Policies and Procedures Manage Division related customer service Act as liaison to the IT Department relating to the FASTER software and hardware, and the Fleet Server Act as liaison to FASTER / CCG Manage maintenance and repair APOs Manage welding and machine shops Manage technician staff Inventory management for fuel and fluids Manage fuel and security systems for J.E. Davis facility

11 CNG Fueling Station Open to the public for CNG fuel purchase
Cleaner fueling alternative than diesel or unleaded Less expensive per gallon equivalent Current price per gge is $1.55 Station is easily accessible and centrally located on Interstate 30 Fast-Fill fueling with a 200 horsepower compressor Average passenger vehicles fill in approximately 5 minutes, during a normal day with average temperatures Accommodate passenger vehicles and 18 wheelers Future maintenance facility for PM services

12 Pilot Program for Government Agencies
CNG and Fuel Savings (Eight convenient fueling stations and one emergency fueling station) Maintenance Preventative Maintenance A – 42 point check list B – A and a 49 point check list C – A+B and a 49 point check list Tire Rotation and Balance Repair Services Brakes Starting and Charging Systems Alignments Diagnostics, etc. Paint and Body repairs Monthly Billing

13 Fueling Station Locations

14 Additional Cooperative Purchasing Opportunities
Fuel Purchase for Unleaded and Diesel Windshields Tires Parts Up-Fitting Vehicle Cleaning and Detailing Other Annual Purchase Orders

15 Current Customers City of Little Rock City of Maumelle
Little Rock Housing Authority MEMS Oakland Cemetery Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau United States Marshall Service (Little Rock Office) DFA??

16 Who We Are Government Fleet Magazine Leading Fleets
Rated among the top 50 Public Fleets in the U.S. and Canada, as announced in May 2014 Meeting the program’s Standards of Excellence in fleet leadership, competitiveness and efficiency, planning for the future, and overcoming challenges Consecutively recognized in the 100 Best Fleets of North America program for the past 7 years ASE and EVT certified Automotive Technicians In-house parts inventory of $350,000 Strong customer service ethic


18 Thank you! City of Little Rock
Fleet Services Department 3314 J.E. Davis Drive Little Rock, Arkansas 72209

19 Year End Instructions Susan Banasiewicz Aasis Service Center

20 Fiscal Year-End Deadlines
All agencies must clean up purchasing documents before year-end to properly reflect their procurement spend for FY 2014 by: Eliminating unwanted Purchase Orders (POs) Closing open Purchase Requisitions (PRs) Reducing open Funds Reservations Deleting PO lines with discontinued account assignments (those carrying Cost Center, WBS Element, and/or Internal Order), which will no longer be valid in the new fiscal year Held and Blocked POs Held PRs Close POs you no longer need Close open PRs Reduce open funds reservations Delete PO lines which have outdated account information

21 AASIS Service Center (ASC) will carry forward open commitments where there is sufficient budget and/or appropriation in the new fiscal year to cover the commitment. NOTE:  Agencies should be aware that POs and commitments carried forward into FY 2015 must pass a FY 2015 budget validation or they will be reversed and deleted in FY 2014 by ASC prior to the system being available for normal operations on Monday, July 7, 2014. Purchasing documents can only be carried forward into FY15 if you have budget available. If there is not budget enough to cover the document, your document will be reversed and deleted by ASC during the year end closeout process.

22 Exclusions from carry forward:
No held or blocked POs will be carried forward from FY 2014 to FY 2015. No PRs will be carried forward from FY 2014 to FY 2015. Unless they are 45 day eligible, no POs created prior to FY will be carried forward, even if line items were added in FY 2014. POs created in FY 2014 will be carried forward only if sufficient budget and/or appropriation exists in FY 2015 to support the entire document. Held or blocked POs cannot be carried forward PRs will not be carried forward POs created before FY14 will not be carried forward, even if they have had some new lines added Only POs created in FY14, with sufficient budget and/or appropriation to cover the entire PO will be carried forward.

23 A Goods Receipt (MIGO) transaction must not be keyed unless goods or services have actually been received. An Invoice Receipt (MIRO) transaction must not be keyed unless invoice has actually been received. POs which require account assignment information changes (Cost Center, Internal Order, WBS Element, Asset number, and/or G/L Account)in order to close out not carry forward Delete existing line with incorrect data Add new line for desired account assignment Basic rules: You cannot create a goods receipt unless you’ve received the product. An invoice receipt cannot be entered unless you’ve received an invoice. Ensure your accounting information is correct. Correcting account assignment info ensures budget accuracy and avoids errors.

24 Agency Responsibilities
Clear by posting or deleting all parked, saved as complete, held or blocked documents and invoices prior to June 30, Any documents remaining in parked status on June 30, 2014 prior to the start of the final payment run will be deleted by DFA – Office of Accounting. GR/IR items should be reviewed. Any old items should be researched and processed to completion through an invoice receipt or through the reversal of receipts (if paid in another manner), etc. This activity should be completed early in June 2014. If you have done a Goods Receipt but paid via Direct Invoice, contact your CAFR liaison to do a separate transaction. Document this within your PO Agency duties Post or delete all parked, saved as complete, held, or blocked documents and invoices before 6/30. If you neglect to clear any documents, they will be deleted. Review GR/IR items. If you have received it, do a GR, if you have received the invoice, process it. If they should be cancelled, do so soon. Call CAFR to complete an MR11 if you have done a GR but paid via direct invoice. Make notes in your PO.

25 POs containing assets will not be carried forward
If your Outline Agreement has a validity date later than 6/30/2014, it will show on the transparency website. If that is not correct, make your edits. POs containing assets will not be carried forward ASC will close any PO with assets that has only a goods receipt or has been otherwise capitalized Any outline agreements that shows a validity date of 6/30 or greater, appears on the transparency website. It is important we ensure these dates are correct so that they only appear if they should. POs with assets can be problematic during year end. The value cannot be changed on a capitalized asset in a follow on year. You should not carry forward these documents, but instead create a new PO for this asset for the new fiscal year.

26 End of Year calendar Monday, June 30
DFA personnel will be conducting year end related activities during this time period. Agency personnel will be locked out of the AASIS system. Monday, July 7 AASIS Service Center opens FY2015 period 1 for posting AASIS Service Center unlocks user roles by 7:00 AM to begin normal operations. Our last available day of FY14 is 6/30/2014. you must have your documents cleaned up by then. You can begin working again in aasis 7am, 7/7/2014 for FY2015.

MB5S – Display list of GR/IR balances ZPO_OPEN_INV – list of PO with open invoices ZPO_PARTGR_IR – PO partially received and/or invoiced ME52N – close or delete PR ME22N – close PO ME2K – Purchasing Documents per Account Assignment ME5K – List Display of Purchase Requisitions These are a few of the transactions which allow us to facilitate yearend processes. It is critical that we clean up the system each year. This allows us to start with a clean slate at the beginning of each fiscal year. Without your help, it would take aasis much longer to close out the fiscal year. We will close out documents in the system however, we do not have the history on each document. We generally run a program which indiscriminately closes the document without regard to circumstances. If you process your remaining documents at the end of each year, you can ensure they are processed as you desire.

28 ZOPENREQ OPEN PRs This report gives you a list of your open PRs. At this time of year, you should be closing out your PRs, creating POs from them or deleting etc. Use this report to ID, then process or close PRs. Run according to purchasing organization.

29 MB5S GR/IR BALANCES This report will show your PO that has a balance on the goods receipt or Invoice receipt. By this time of the year, you should be closing out your POs. Use this report to id any discrepancies and make your edits. As you can see on this first example, we have received 2 but only have an invoice for 1. These type of discrepancies must be cleaned up before June 30th

Identify any PO with an open invoice meaning a GR was done, but the IR was not. Use this information to complete this process.

Use this report to identify a PO that has a partial goods receipt and/or a partial invoice receipt. Correct as needed.

32 ME52N CLOSE OR DELETE PR When you have identified a PR or list of PRs to be closed, go to ME52N, select your PR, go to “Quantities/Dates” tab, select the “closed” box and save. Also, if quantity ordered is zero, select the “closed” box then delete your line and save.

33 ME22N CLOSE PO When you have identified a PO to be closed, go to ME22N, enter the PO number, go to the “delivery” tab and select the “Delv. Compl.” box. Then go to the “invoice” tab. Then select the “Final Invoice” box. You can only delete (trashcan) an item if there are no follow on documents associated with it (GR or IR). If you do not intend to receive against this line, trashcan it after you have selected the final invoice and delivery complete boxes. Then Save. If you receive an error message “quantity of GR is greater than quantity of the invoice”, call your CAFR liaison to repair.

34 Additional Transactions used for yearend cleanup:
Outline agreements must be output in ME9K Outline agreements must have validity dates opened in order to close outstanding POs and then changed back. If Outline agreement has validity date passed 6/30/2014, it will show on the transparency website. – Change OA ME32K Call OSP buyer if a statewide contract Where Do You Go To Look At Your Budget And View The Commitments? The Actual Budget report - Transaction Y_BCS_ The Open Commitment Item report – Transaction ZCMT Output your outline agreements. Open an outline agreement to close a PO, then reclose the OA. If it is a statewide contract, contact the OSP buyer to make changes. Go to the Actual Budget report and/or ZCMT to check commitments.

35 What Reports Can You Run To View Your Open/Held Purchase Requisitions?
• List Display Of PRs – Transaction ME5A • List Display Of Open PRs – Transaction ZOPENREQ What Reports Can You Run To View Your Open/Held/Blocked POs? • Display List Of GR/IR Balances – Transaction MB5S • Purchasing Document Per Document Number – Transaction ME2N Purchasing Documents Per Account Assignment - ME2K The above transactions can help you view your open/held PRs and also Open/Held/Blocked POs. All need to be closed prior to 6/30/2014

36 Purchasing Document Per Document Number – Transaction ME2N
What Reports Can You Run To View Outline Agreements and their Release POs Purchasing Document Per Document Number – Transaction ME2N OSP B--Annual Minority Report - Transaction ZMM12 What Reports Can You Run To View Expiring Outline Agreements Purchasing Documents Per Document Number - ME3N POs With An Open Invoice – Transaction ZPO_OPEN_INV POs That Have Been Partially Received and/or Invoiced - ZPO_PARTGR_IR. What Reports Can You Run to Find Invoicing Errors? Vendor Line Item Display Report – Transaction FBL1N PO Vendor Payment Report – ZPOVP The above transactions are used to view outline agreements, release POs and invoicing errors.

37 • Open Commitment Report – Transaction ZCMT
What Reports Can You Run to Find Open AP Documents that are committing budget in error? • Open Commitment Report – Transaction ZCMT • Display Parked Document Report – Transaction FBV3 • Parked Vendor Invoices – Transaction ZFI_PARKHELD_RPT • Open Item AP Report – Transaction ZOPENITEMAP • The Actual Budget Report – Transaction Y-BCS_ Change PR – ME52N Change PO – ME22N Delete Parked Invoice Documents – FBV0 Delete Parked Invoice Documents – Transaction FBV2 Reversing A Posted But Unpaid Direct Vendor Invoice Or A Direct Vendor Credit Memo– Transaction FB08 Reversing A Posted But Unpaid Logistics Vendor Invoice Or A Logistics Vendor Credit Memo – Transaction MR8M. Clearing Vendor Open Items For A Logistics Invoice – Transaction F-44 Change An Unpaid Logistics or Direct Vendor Invoice Or A Logistics or Direct Vendor Credit Memo – Transaction FB02 What Reports Can You Run To View Vendor Status, i.e. Blocked/Deleted - Display Vendor - Transaction XK03 These transactions help find open AP documents that are committing budget incorrectly

38 Points of Contact Click on the “Help” section Select “AASIS HELP”
Enter “POVIC” in the “Terms” field. Click “search” Find a year end manual within aasis by using “help” in the menu item list. Select AASIS HELP. Enter “POVIC” which stands for (PO and Vendor Invoice Cleanup)

39 Points of Contact For AASIS courseware regarding PO and Invoice Clean-up : ESS is found at Go to Learning, Arkansas State Employee Training Program, AASIS training, Materials Management, Procurement, POVIC (PO and Vendor Invoice Cleanup),Reference materials – procurement, open items: POVIC, user manual If you have any questions regarding AASIS transactions, please call the AASIS help desk at (501) or log a help desk ticket. Go to your ESS site under aasis training/material management. Enter aasis help and “POVIC” this will open the year end manual. You can save it to your PC. You can also contact me for the link. Please be sure to enter a help desk ticket with any issues you are having. Chances are, there may be a system issue that will effect other users. Better we address those sooner rather than later.

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