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Arizona Legislative Branch

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1 Arizona Legislative Branch
A bicameral legislature

2 Senate and House Thirty senators (i. e. 30 districts)
60 representatives ( i. e. 30 districts) 2 year terms 1992 constitutional amendment: term limitations May serve no more than 4 consecutive terms May not seek office again unless out of office for one term

3 Qualifications United States citizen 25 years old
3 year resident of state 1 year resident of county May not hold any other public office or trust except state militia, notary public, justice of peace, US commissioner or postmaster of the 4th class, teacher


5 Leadership House of Representatives: Speaker
Senate: President

6 Privileges Free from arrest in all cases except treason, felony or breach of peace Free speech in debate Current salary $24,000.00 Annual legislative session lasts 120 days

7 Salary Proposals Year Current Salary Proposed Salary Voter Response
1972 $6,000 $10,000 no 1974 1976 no recommendation n/a 1978 $9,600 1980 $15,000 yes 1982 $18,900 1984 1986 $20,000 1988 $25,000 1990 $24,000 1992 $19,748 1994 $19,750 1996 1998 2000 $30,000 2002 $36,000 2004 2006

8 Duties Pass laws Create and fund government offices and agencies
Approve appts of governor Remove an official by impeachment

9 How a bill becomes a law


11 Special Arizona voc Initiative: petition filed with Secretary of State with signatures of 10% of qualified votes 4 months prior to election. Voters start, voters pass Referendum: petition filed with Secretary of State with signatures of 5% of qualified electors 90 days after legislative session. Legislatures start, voters pass Recall: remove a public official by votes Impeachment: to charge a public official with a wrongdoing. Simple majority: majority of those present at time vote is taken Absolute majority: majority of those eligible to vote

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