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Navy Voluntary Education
(VOLED) ESO/CCC Navy College Programs & Services SLIDE ONE Presenters are expected to familiarize themselves with the slides and the notes for each slide prior to presenting the brief. Notes in BOLD indicate information that is required to be presented. Notes not bolded are supplemental.
Navy College Programs Established in 1974 there are currently 32 Navy College Offices and the Navy College Virtual Education Center serving Sailors Worldwide! SLIDE TWO - NAVY COLLEGE PROGRAMS Navy College Offices provide objective academic guidance and counseling focused on personal and professional goals. Navy College counselors are qualified professionals. The Navy College Program (NCP) also known as Navy Voluntary Education (VOLED) is administered through the NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER (NETPDC) Navy Voluntary Education provides opportunities for Sailors to earn college degrees by recommended academic credit for Navy training, work experience, and prior off-duty education Located in Damneck Virginia, The Navy College Virtual Education Center (NCVEC) serves as the Navy College Program's central location providing the opportunity for sailors to connect with a NCVEC staff member via telephone or with questions related to off-duty voluntary education opportunities. NCVEC Counselors and Education Technicians perform the same services as NCO Counselors and Education Technicians. NCVEC normal hours of operation are 6am-9pm M-F. 2
ESO/CCC Support Navy College Programs support the
Command ESO & Career Counselor Provide a centralized location for academic guidance. Share command education statistics & reports. Assist Navy personnel in gaining new knowledge to become more productive. Promote the productive use of Sailor’s off-duty time. Ensure on base/on board education programs are compatible with operating schedules. Supports fleet readiness & mission accomplishment. SLIDE THREE 3
Navy College Services Academic Counseling Education Briefings
College/University Information Oversight of On Base College Programs Joint Service Transcript Management Testing Services Tuition Assistance/GEV/AEV/Other NCPACE USMAP Career Interest Inventory Online Academic Skills Course… and more… SLIDE FOUR – NAVY COLLEGE PROGRAM SERVICES ACADEMIC COUNSELING Educational Counseling helps Sailors become more focused as they make decisions regarding academic programs and career fields, assisting them in defining and analyzing their personal and professional goals. The Navy College representatives provide academic information to all personnel assigned to a military installation. EDUCATION BRIEFINGS Workshops or small group sessions on specific academic topics conducted at installation and tenant command locations Briefing topics include but are not limited to: College 101, Tuition Assistance Overview, Navy College Overview, NCPACE, etc.. Tuition Assistance/GEV/AEV/Other Each educational institution offers different choices. Locating the best match may be the first challenge a student faces. NCO offer pamphlets and promotional materials from on base colleges and distance learning partners NCO Counselors match SVM with postsecondary programs focused on academic, vocational, technical, and occupational courses of study. OVERSIGHT OF ON-BASE PROGRAMS Navy College Offices are, by DOD Instruction, the conduit for ALL voluntary education matters for each Naval installation. NCO’s provide oversight of the actions and services of colleges and universities located on-base, visiting on base, or when sponsoring on base event. - Schools must meet DOD and Navy College Program requirements to be allowed to represent and provide counseling services on base. - Schools must be vetted via the Navy College Program office when interested in conducting ANY college related business on base. JOINT SERVICE TRANSCRIPT (JST) JST is an academically accepted record which documents American Council on Education (ACE) recommended college credit for military training and occupational experience. The primary purpose of JST is to assist Servicemembers in obtaining college credit for their military experience. A Joint Service Transcript (JST) provides a detailed record of a service member’s training related to military service. To add a completed degree or certificate to the JST the Sailor must have an official transcript sent from the institution directly to the JST Operations Center. Transcripts supplied by service member will NOT be accepted; must come DIRECTLY from institution. Attn: JST Technology Operations Center, Code N615 , 6490 Saufley Field Road, Pensacola, FL 32509 Instructions on how to implement all other JST corrections and/or updates can be located on the Navy College Program website TESTING SERVICE Testing options vary based on the capabilities of each Navy College Office, please check with the local Navy College Office in conus and oversea for testing specifics. Navy College Offices operate DANTES testing centers capable of assisting with a wide variety of examinations. - CLEP & DSST (Usually conducted by an on-base National Test Center [NTC]) - College Entrance Testing (SAT, and ACT) - High School Completion (Not conducted on-base, referred to the community) - On-base Schools testing (may be proctored by school representatives) - Defense Language Testing (check availability) - Certification examinations may be proctored if allowable EDUCATION FUNDING - Sailors have many different funding options: NCPACE, TA, GI Bill, AEV/GEV/Scholarships /Grants, and Self-pay. 1 - As a Type 2/Type 4 (deployable) Sailor, NCPACE will pay for 100% of qualified courses offered through the NCPACE program. 2 - Tuition Assistance is the most common funding option for Servicemembers. - Requirements for TA: 1) TA Training 2) Counseling, and 3) Education Plan 3 - GI Bill/ TOP UP - Contact your VA representative for more information 4 - AEV/GEV Funding - AEV and GEV are off-duty programs see NAVADMIN describing the program and requesting applicants. AEV - The AEV Program offers senior enlisted personnel (E7-E9) funding to complete post-secondary, Navy-relevant degrees. GEV - The Graduate Education Voucher program (GEV) provides selected Unrestricted Line (URL) officers a Navy-relevant masters degree leading to an approved subspecialty. Vouchers are process through your local NCO 5 – Apply for military and civilian scholarships & grants 6 - Self-pay NAVY COLLEGE PROGRAM FOR AFLOAT COLLEGE EDUCATION (NCPACE) The objective of NCPACE is to provide Type-2 and Type-4 (deployable) personnel with educational opportunities comparable to those available to shore duty personnel. Specific courses are offered onboard and via distance learning. Offerings, course starts, and method of delivery are determined per the command. USMAP United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) results in a Department of Labor Journeyman certificate It is not an after-hours program: A Servicemember enrolled in USMAP documents on-the-job training and related instruction accomplished while performing regular military duties CAREER INTEREST INVENTORY Kuder Career Assessment provides reliable tools to assess interests, suggest education and career options, prepare SVM for the job search, and connect SVM to today’s occupations. (No Cost). ONLINE ACADEMIC SKILLS COURSE Online Academic Skills Course is designed to aid in improving High School basic skills levels •Comprehensive online course will assist in improving ASVAB/AFCT scores. •Subject areas include reading comprehension, math, and vocabulary skills. •Contains pre-assessment, personalized learning path with lessons, and post-assessments. 4
College Credit for Military Training
Rating Roadmaps General for each rating Lists type & amount of credits recommended Rank from E-3 > E-9 Initial Skills Training Follow-on Training Joint Services Transcript Individualized Military Courses Military Experience College Level Test Scores Other Learning Experiences SLIDE FIVE– COLLEGE CREDIT FOR MILITARY TRAINING The American Council on Education (ACE) recommends credit for military training College credit is not guaranteed when completing military training College credit is “recommended” by ACE Each post secondary institution determines which credits will be transferred into their degree plan as course credits ACE is a civilian organization that evaluates skills, knowledge, and training and makes recommendations for college level credit. In addition to evaluating military service, ACE looks at businesses, industries, and other organizations to evaluate their training. - There are two ways you can find out what your credit recommendations are: Rating Roadmaps and Joint Services Transcripts RATING ROADMAPS – Rating Roadmaps can be used to outline how advancement assists education goals by listing credit recommendations at each level. Lists type & amount of credits recommended: Rank from E-3>E-9, Initial skills training, and Follow-on training Rating Roadmaps identify the ACE recommended college credit for Navy training and rating specific work experience. JOINT SERVICES TRANSCRIPT Individualized Displays military courses, military experience, college level test scores, and other learning experiences JST is an academically accepted record validated by the American Council on Education (ACE) which documents recommended college credit for military training and occupational experience. The primary purpose of JST is to assist Servicemembers in obtaining college credit for their military experience. To access a personal copy, order an official copy, or get more information, Servicemembers should go to 5
SOC DNS Servicemembers Opportunity College Degree Network System (DNS)
Offers Credit for Non-Traditional Learning Home School Agreement augments existing degree plan Provided by your participating school after completing a minimum number of credit hours Provides Valuable Assurances: Guaranteed degree plan Reduced academic residency Many courses offered by DNS institutions have a 2-way guaranteed transferability! Tuition Cap SLIDE SIX - SOC - SERVICEMEMBERS OPPORTUNITY COLLEGES Degree Network System (DNS) Key Features of the SOC DNS Reduced Academic Residency You only have to complete 25% or less of degree requirements with your home college (30% for completely online programs). Credit for Non-Traditional Learning SOC DNS colleges award credit for military experience and training based on American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations, and standardized tests such as CLEP and DSST, where it is appropriate to your degree plan. SOC DNS Student Agreement Home college agrees to issue a SOC DNS Student Agreement (evaluation of completed and remaining degree requirements) by the time you complete six semester hours of credit with that college. This serves as a “contract for degree” between you and your home college and remains in effect even if you leave the military. Guaranteed Course Transfer SOC DNS Core member institutions guarantee transfer of courses in SOC DNS Course Categories, so that courses may be transferred back to the home college without prior approval. Courses mapped to SOC DNS Course Categories appear on the SOC DNS Student Agreement, in Chapter 5 of the SOC Degree Network System Handbooks, and in the Guaranteed-Transfer Courses section of the Web site. 6
Education Funding Options
Tuition Assistance NCPACE AEV/GEV Scholarships & Grants GI Bill Self Pay MyCAA (for Dependents) SLIDE SEVEN – EDUCATION FUNDING OPTIONS Sailors have six different funding options: TA, NCPACE, AEV/GEV, Scholarships & Grants, GI Bill, and Self-pay. THERE IS MORE THAN ONE OPTION TO PAY FOR YOUR COLLEGE EDUCATION While your Navy College may not actually provide all of the funding options, they may be able to give you information about them - Tuition Assistance, NCPACE, and AEV/GEV are administered through the Navy College Program - Scholarships & Grants and GI Bill NCO’s provide referral information only TUITION ASSISTANCE Tuition Assistance (TA) is the Navy's educational financial assistance program. - TA provides active duty personnel funding for tuition costs for courses taken in an off-duty status at a regionally or nationally accredited college, university or vocational/technical institution. - TA can be used to earn one high school diploma, one associate’s degree, one bachelor’s degree, one master’s degree, and one vocational/technical certificate (restrictions apply) NCPACE As a Type-2 or Type-4 command Sailor NCPACE covers 100% of the cost related to NCPACE courses. AEV/GEV - Both the AEV and GEV programs are promulgated annually by a NAVADMIN describing the program and requesting applicants. AEV -- The AEV Program offers advanced education opportunities and provides financial assistance to senior enlisted personnel (E7-E9) to complete post-secondary, Navy-relevant degrees, in designated areas of study through off-duty education. AEV is available to personnel transferring to, or currently on shore duty with sufficient time ashore to complete the degree program. GEV -- The Graduate Education Voucher program (GEV) provides increased opportunity and incentive for selected Unrestricted Line (URL) officers who wish to obtain a Navy-relevant masters degree leading to an approved subspecialty during off-duty hours. GEV is available to Active duty 03 to 05 Unrestricted Line (URL) Officers in the 111X, 112X, 113X, 114X, and 13XX communities. GEV is limited to on-shore duty officers or to officers who are transferring to shore duty SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS Service members also qualify scholarships and grants available to the general public. Spouses & Dependents may also take advantage of Scholarship & Grant Opportunities, including MyCAA, NMCRS aid, and other military-friendly opportunities. GI BILL - Another option is using your GI Bill. VA Representatives can assist you in determining your options. Contact your installation or local VA Benefits Representative. SELF-PAY –SVM may also utilize self pay for many personal reasons. MyCAA-provides a maximum education benefit of $4,000 with an annual fiscal year cap of $2,000 to assist eligible military spouses who need professional credentials to meet their Portable Career goals. Annual cap waivers are available for licensure and certificate programs if there is an upfront tuition cost that exceeds $2,000 (up to the maximum education benefit of $4,000). Whatever you decide, make sure you talk with a counselor first: you don’t want to make a choice that can’t be reversed and doesn’t give you all the benefits you deserve. 7
Availability & scheduling varies by site, check with your local NCO
Testing Availability & scheduling varies by site, check with your local NCO Course Equivalency Tests CLEP DSST Admission Test Placement Test SAT ACT GRE/LSAT/GMAT/PRAXIS Language Testing DLAB DLPT OPI Test Proctoring SLIDE EIGHT- TESTING - (VARIES BY SITE, CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL NCO) COURSE EQUIVALENCY TESTS - CLEP & DSST Sailors are encouraged to pursue credit through College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) where applicable, to save time toward completing a degree and reduce Tuition Assistance cost. COLLEGE ADMISSION EXAMINATIONS are administered by most Navy College Offices - Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) - American College Testing Assessment Program (ACT) - *Graduate Record Examination (GRE) (both general and subject tests) - *Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) - *Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) - *PRAXIS (formerly known as National Teachers Examination) ***GRE or GMAT are reimbursable through DANTES Connect with your local military base test administrator for cost, retake, and reimbursement fees associated with each exam TEST PROCTORING - Proctoring varies based on the capabilities of each Navy College Office Language Testing (DLPT/OPI and DLAB) DLAB- Defense Language Aptitude Battery DLPT-Defense Language Proficiency Test OPI-Oral Proficiency Test - The Navy Foreign Language Testing Program allows personnel to satisfy mission or job-related requirements. - Some language test scores offer college credit recommendations and possible proficiency pay (Check with your Command) 8
OASC & CPST Online Academic Skills Courses (OASC) and College Placement Skills Training (CPST) allow free access to an online study program designed to evaluate and build your English and Math skills. SLIDE NINE - AFCT is the test an active duty sailor takes to improve existing ASVAB score Peterson's Online Basic Skills Courses offer access to two online basic skills courses – OASC (Online Academic Skills Course) for Military Success and CPST (College Placement Skills Training) for College Success. - Once you register or log-in, you will find detailed information on each course to help you choose which course is best for you. If you have already started the OASC for Military Success and wish to continue, select that course to continue your progress. AFCT PREPARATION 9
Navy COOL Credentialing Opportunities On-Line
Describes civilian credentials which best map to Naval Career Ratings Explains the path, work, training & experience required Resources related to options for payment & testing SLIDE TEN - NAVY COOL (CREDENTIALING OPPORTUNITIES ONLINE) Recognizing the important role that occupational credentials can play in professionalizing the Force and in enhancing the Servicemember’s ability to transition to the civilian workforce upon completion of military service, the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps have joined together to share data, research, analysis, and best practices so that all Servicemembers can benefit from credentialing opportunities. LICENSES: A license is official or legal permission to do a specific thing (fishing, driving, marriage…) - Usually from a government organization - Reimbursement for licenses may be available through NAVY COOL or the GI BILL CERTIFICATES: A certificate is verification that a standard is met (EMT certified, Microsoft certification…) - Usually from a professional organization - Military routes to certification include NAVY COOL or USMAP - Navy Credentialing Opportunities On-Line describes civilian credentials which best map to Navy ratings, jobs, designators, and collateral duties - It explains the path, work, training and experience required to achieve them - It provides source information about credentialing and what resources are available to help pay for training and testing - Navy COOL can be accessed online at 10
USMAP Apprentice > Journeyman > Master
United Services Military Apprenticeship Program Agreement between the USN / USMC / USCG & Department of Labor Results in a DoL Journeyman Certificate Apprenticeship combines OJT training & instruction Program required experience is accomplished while performing military duties SLIDE ELEVEN – USMAP>APPRENTICE > JOURNEYMAN > MASTER - The United Services Military Apprenticeship Program is between the USN/USMC/USCG and the Department of Labor (DOL). - The DOL is the Federal agency responsible for the administration of the National Apprenticeship System in the United States. - These standards are tailored to fit USMAP’s military mission. - The United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) is a formal military training program that provides Navy , Coast Guard, and Marine Corps Servicemembers the opportunity to improve their job skills and to complete their civilian apprenticeship requirements while they are on active duty. - The DOL provides the nationally recognized "Certificate of Completion" upon program completion. - USMAP enhances job skills and shows motivation for more challenging military assignments. Having a DOL Certificate of Completion is a definite advantage in getting better civilian jobs since employers know the value of apprenticeships. - Apprenticeship is a combination of on-the-job training and related instruction - It is not an after-hours program. A Servicemember enrolled in USMAP documents work experience accomplished while performing regular military duties - USMAP can be accessed online at 11
DOD MOU Effective September 6, 2014, all educational institutions must adhere to the following guidelines to apply for the DoD MOU program and be authorized to participate in the military tuition assistance (TA) program: Institutions must be accredited by a national or regional accrediting body recognized by the Education Department (ED). TA DECIDE engine is fueled by recognized and trusted data sources providing up to date information on educational costs and outcomes to compare educational institutions. VA approved SLIDE TWELVE -Application for DoD MOU -The revision to the Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) , "Voluntary Education Programs," includes an appendix containing the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between DoD Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) and educational institutions. DoD policy requires educational institutions that wish to participate in the DoD Tuition Assistance (TA) Program to sign an MOU conveying the commitments and agreements between the educational institution and DoD prior to an educational institution receiving funds from a service's TA program. The memorandum and a list of educational institutions that have signed can be found at -Effective September 6, 2014, all educational institutions must adhere to the following guidelines to apply for the DoD MOU program and be authorized to participate in the military tuition assistance (TA) program: Institution must be accredited by a national or regional accrediting body recognized by the ED; Certified to participate in federal student aid programs through the Education Department under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965; VA approved. 12
Questions? Locate your local Navy College Office
or Contact The Navy College Virtual Education Center Phone: or DSN or Commercial , DSN: Fax Number: Address: EST, Monday-Friday SLIDE THIRTEEN – QUESTIONS NCO CONTACT INFO Name Location Phone/ /fax Hours VEC CONTACT INFO Phone: or DSN or Commercial , Fax Number: Navy Address: EST, Monday-Friday 13
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