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REVIEW What was happening at the beginning of the 1920’s?

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW What was happening at the beginning of the 1920’s?"— Presentation transcript:

1 REVIEW What was happening at the beginning of the 1920’s?
In the election of 1920, what might people be looking for in a president?

2 Harding and Coolidge The Need for Normalcy

3 The Election of 1920 President Wilson’s stroke
Inability to perform duties Presidency ended in chaos Two candidates would face off in the 1920 election D - James Cox R - Warren Harding

4 Harding – The Need for Normalcy
Republicans lacked party leader Roosevelt’s death 1919 Warren Harding sensed that Americans wanted familiarity, safety Declared nation needed healing, restoration, normalcy “RETURN TO NORMALCY” Chose Calvin Coolidge VP

5 Harding Becomes President
Warren Harding and his “Return to Normalcy” received 60% of the popular vote

6 Harding – The Man From Marion, Ohio Worked as a newspaper publisher
Believed in small town values Independence Didn’t want government to solve their problems Known for his love of leisure Relaxed governing approach

7 Harding – The Politician
His father – active in Republican party Harding worked his way up politically Elected U.S. Senator from Ohio in 1914 Frequently skipped Senate sessions As President Believed the job was a lot of ceremony Hired smart team of advisors Rarely took positions on issues

8 Harding’s Policies PRO-BUSINESS Cut the federal budget
“Less government in business and more business in government.” Cut the federal budget Reduced taxes on wealthy Americans Thought the wealthy would start business, improve the economy

9 Harding’s Policies LITTLE HELP FOR FARMERS
Believed that “the farmer required no special favors at the hands of government.” Fordney-McCumber Tariff Raised cost of foreign farm products Short term help

10 The Ohio Gang Harding appointed highly skilled people
Andrew Mellon – Treasury Secretary Charles Evans Hughes – Secretary of State Herbert Hoover – Commerce Secretary Filled lower-level positions with friends from Ohio Members were convicted of taking bribes Called the “Ohio Gang” Harry Daugherty – Attorney General Albert Fall - Interior Secretary Edwin C. Denby – Navy Secretary

11 The Teapot Dome Scandal
Worst scandal involved: Albert Fall - Secretary of the Interior What does the Secretary of the Interior control? Land management, national park service Fall accepted bribes from oil companies in exchange to drill federal oil reserves on federal land in Wyoming known as the Teapot Dome

12 Harding’s Escape Harding never found to be connected with scandals
Took vacation to Alaska to escape rumors Collapsed during a speech because of a heart attack Died later that week Popular when he died, but… Overtime corruption and his failings ruined his reputation as President


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