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Symbolism Language Arts 10 To Kill a Mockingbird

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1 Symbolism Language Arts 10 To Kill a Mockingbird
Unit Target: I can read a variety of short stories, non fiction, novels, technical selections, and classical works of literary merit. Daily Target: I can read and analyze symbolism used in Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

2 What is a Symbol? Definition:
Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. Example: What do these pictures symbolize?

3 What is Symbolism? Symbolism is the practice of representing things by symbols or investing things with a symbolic meaning. Writers practice symbolism in their work to support themes and emphasize ideas.

4 What story is this picture telling the viewer about?
What is this story’s symbolic meaning? What idea is the artist trying to emphasize?

5 Symbolism Worksheet Directions:
As a class, describe the physical characteristics of each of the following symbols. Refer to your physical characteristics and your knowledge of events in TKM to decide what abstract idea or concept each symbol is representing. Fill in the chart on your worksheet as we go through each in class.

6 The Mad Dog “I swear to God there’s a mad dog down the street a piece–he’s comin’ this way, yes sir, he’s–Mr. Finch, I declare he is–old Time Johnson, yes sir….yessir…yes–” What are the physical characteristics of the mad dog? Using your knowledge of TKM, what abstract idea or concept does the dog represent?

7 Miss Maudie’s House Fire
“At the front door, we saw fire spewing from Miss Maudie’s dining room windows. As if to confirm what we saw, the town fire siren wailed up the scale to a treble pitch and remained there, screaming”. What are the physical characteristics of Miss Maudie’s House Fire? Using your knowledge of TKM, what abstract idea or concept does the dog represent?

8 Snow “‘The world’s endin’, Atticus! Please do something--!’ I dragged him to the window and pointed”. (64) What are the physical characteristics of snow? Using your knowledge of TKM, what abstract idea or concept does the snow represent?

9 White Camellia “Jem opened the box. Inside, surrounded by wads of damp cotton, was a white, waxy, perfect camellia. It was a Snow-on-the-Mountain”. What are the physical characteristics of a white camellia? Using your knowledge of TKM, what abstract idea or concept does the white camellia represent?

10 The Gun “Marksmanship's a gift of God, a talent – oh, you have to practice to make it perfect, but shootin’s different from playing the piano or the like. I think maybe he put his gun down when he realized that God had given him an unfair advantage over most living things.” What are the physical characteristics of a gun? Using your knowledge of TKM, what abstract idea or concept does the gun represent?

11 Cemented Hole in the Tree
“Two live oaks stood at the edge of the Radley lot; their roots reached out into the side-road and made it bumpy. Something about one of the trees attracted my attention.” Describe the physical characteristics of the cemented hole in the tree. Using your knowledge of TKM, what abstract concept or idea does the cemented hole in the tree represent?

12 Mockingbird & the Phrase: “To Kill a Mockingbird”
“Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” What are the physical characteristics of a mockingbird? Using your knowledge of TKM, what concept or idea does the mockingbird represent?

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