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Requirements of the Presidency

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1 Requirements of the Presidency

2 Qualifications Be a natural born citizen Be 35 years old
14 year Resident

3 Terms 4 years Long enough to demonstrate abilities, gain experience, and establish policy Until 1951 (no term limit) Tradition of two terms set by George Washington 22nd Amendment limited terms to two Franklin sought four terms

4 Pay and Benefits 400,000 a year 50,000 in expenses Taxed White House
Forbids president to work outside of presidency Air Force One Camp David Lifetime Insurance and Health Care

5 Vice-President Harrison dies (1841), John Tyler takes office
25th amendment-Vice President Succession Presidential Succession Act 1947 Speaker President Pro Tem Secretary of State Then other Cabinet Offices

6 Presidential Disability-25th
Eisenhower-heart attack and stroke Wilson-stroke Garfield-shot Reagan-shot Cabinet, Vice-President must agree to take over if President cannot agree to hand it over

7 DUTIES OF VICE Preside over Senate Presidential Disability
BALANCING THE TICKET Strengthen the ticket by picking a running mate opposite of them Vacancy (president names new) Provision of the 25th

8 Electoral College Popular Vote to messy
Decided on Electors from each state 1st President 2nd Vice President Adam vs. Jefferson Election of 1800 Aaron Burr Tie for Presidency Party nominations, Electors from own party, Automatic Casting 12th amendment fixed it

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