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Early civilizations Chinese Shang & Zhou Sung Jun Park Emily Kim

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1 Early civilizations Chinese Shang & Zhou Sung Jun Park Emily Kim
Good morning classmates and Dr.Kuhn. Today, our team, is going to talk about Early civilizations in China. Sung Jun Park Emily Kim

2 SHANG First, we will talk about Shang

3 Start of the shang dynasty
Shang Tang Tribal chieftain Defeats the Xia dynasty Before answering any SPICE questions, I would like to briefly talk about the start of the Shang dynasty. According to “the timeline of Chinese history” it is known that the Shang dynasty began when this person, Shang Tang, the tribal chieftain defeated the Last king of the Xia dynasty,.

4 Rulers & noble retainers
Social Rulers & noble retainers Peasants & Artisans Extended families Nuclear families Social. According to Stearns, In Shang, there were 2 main classes. The rulers & noble retainers, And the peasants & Artisans. The social arrangements in Shang were quite different between the classes. The elite classes usually lived in extended families where several generations lived together. The common classes, and the slaves, who didn’t have the wealth for large scale homes and servants, lived in Nuclear families. The one thing in common between the two classes was that they were both male-dominated & patrilocal, which means the wife living in her husband’s village. 1. Male-dominated 2. Patrilocal

5 political Main political structure Monarchy Vassal Retainers Peasant &
Artisan Vassal Retainers King Political. According to Stearns, In Shang, the main Political structure was Monarchy. However, a lot of the peasants & artisans were ruled by Vassal Retainers. These Vassal Retainers got the power to rule peasants & artisans from the Warrior King. And in return, they gave back agricultural produce such as rice & support to the King’s army with their own soldiers.

Settlement patterns  Warlike Nomads Main Technology Bronze Interaction with environment. According to Stearns, In BCE 1500, the Shang dynasty starts by conquering other tribes and establishing a kingdom. What made it possible was that the Shang’s settlement patterns were more Warlike nomads and the fact that they used Bronze weapons to fight with other tribes. Bronze weapons

Advanced Scientific Technology: BRONZE Technical transition from Stone Age Used to create sacral vessels and implements of ritual Shang Kings were Priest-Kings Cultural & Intellectual. According to “the timeline of Chinese history” The main advanced science technology the Shang dynasty used was BRONZE. The Shang rulers managed to success a technical transition from the Stone Age and later, the Bronze is used in many useful ways. They use it to create sacral vessels and implements of ritual, which was very important for the Shang Kings, since they were Priest-Kings. This bronze vessel was found from a tomb of Lady Hao in Anyang. The vessels in this tomb and many other sculptures indicate that Anyang had created many great resources Sacral Vessel

8 Cultural & intellectual
Writing Written letters on oracle bones Pictographic  Ideographic Writing. According to Richard Hooker, Writing was one of the essential parts of the Shang dynasty. The written letters on the oracle bones shows us the First Chinese letters. People also found out that the letters were at first pictographic, and later it changed to ideographic. Letters on oracle bones

9 Cultural & intellectual
Religion Worshipped the Shang-Ti Shang-Ti: The greatest God Controller of human activities Belief in Afterlife Religion. According to Richard Hooker, Shang Ti was the God that the Shang worshipped. It was the greatest God among all and ruled the others. They also believed that it controlled human activities. And afterlife, was another thing the Shang believed. They assured Their ancestors were living in heaven and that they will one day too. Shang-Ti

10 Economic 1. King: In charge of economy 2. Peasants: limited opportunities 3. Based on agriculture Economic. According to Hooker, the Shang dynasty was ruled in city-states. As the capital of Shang haㅇ shifted by time, individual city-states would become the capital. The King would be in charge of the economy as well as the leader of the military. Also, according to Stearns, peasants had limited opportunities for any economic advancements compared to the upper classes. By the Shang’s time, people were growing wide ranges of crops, while most of their foods were millets, rice, beans, and wheat. People cultivated their lands together using tools such as wooden hoes, spades, and crude plows

11 Zhou dynasty Now I would like to introduce about the Zhou dynasty

12 political Feudalism Two ideas going against the Feudal System
Barbarians took over Zhou  Warring states period started According to Stearns, , formal oaths of allegiance and regularized fief-granting procedures transformed the Shang vassal system into a more general feudal order. This became to be known as the Feudalism, which stressed mutual obligation and benefits within the ruling clan. The Zhou ruler would give their loyal warrior fief, a permission to extract revenue and services from peasant villages. In return of the fief, the loyal warriors would pledge their loyalty to the ruler. (Mostly, there are ceremonies were the warriors are given a clump of earth, symbolizing the lands and villages granted to him by the monarch. At the same time, a charter of his duties to the ruler and their rights were presented in the court.) Zhou monarchs virtually had no power over the fiefdoms beyond those in the central core religions. If a vassal stopped sending tributes to the capital or refused request to muster troops for war or laborers for Zhou building projects, he was in effect declaring war and risking annihilations. As long as the ruler’s power is strong it does not happen but when weakened, it has a high chance of happening. As time passed, barbarians took over Zhou, but the heir of throne was the blood of the Zhou dynasty. In this period of disorder is called the “Warring States period, where many philosphies develop.

13 Social The basic classes were same Some changes in Social Order
Mandate of Heaven 3. Importance of Male Increase Kings Lords Peasants & Slaves One of the things to work against the feudral system was the “Mandate of Heaven”. Zhou Dynasty kings were first called to be the “Son of Heaven” and exercised more power than the kings in the Shang Dynasty. They established a long held belief that emperors and dynasties ruled with the sanction of the god. It would greatly enhance the capacity of the Zhou and subsequent royal houses to rule as absolutist and authoritarian monarchs. It also contained a potentially critical check on their powers, which was to be explored by Chinese people social thinkers in the late Zhou era. If an emperor became corrupt, cruel, or just incompetent and weak, then it was believed that the gods had withdrawn their approval from that line. Then it would be appropriate for another family to take the throne under a new “mandate of heaven Also, as agriculture developed, the importance of the male’s power increased. As the importance of male increased, the power of the male increased while the power of women slowly decreased.

14 Cultural& intellectual
One Hundred Schools Development of Culture and Philosophy Later in the Zhou period is a time of disorder. During this time, in attempt to keep order many philosopher appeared. According to Hooker, Confucius, He established a rigorously ethical philosophy that could better take care of the welfare of the people. Another philosopher, Lao Tzu also sought to reform government, but his was a less hard-headed philosophy. He is credited with being the founder of Taoism, which was a much more passive approach to the ethical. Taoism did not believe that the Tao could be spoken of in language; therefore their writing is paradoxical and often impenetrable. The third major school of the period was founded by Mo Tzu, who also sought to reform government so that it guaranteed the welfare of the people. He, however, believed that the root cause of human misery was "selective love," and so he preached a "universal love. The last of the major schools were the Legalists. Legalists believed that humans were basically evil and selfish. The best form of government, that is, the government that best contributed to the welfare of the people, would be one that strictly held humankind's base instincts in check. This government would be ruled by strict and harsh laws; punishment would be severe and swift. This belief in rule by law is why this school is called "Legalist:. British Museum

Cults of royal and Family Ancestors Elaborate rites, Tia The sacrifices of the kings and lords decreased but the development of rituals increased. People started to make cults for ancestors. Families patriarchs and monarchs monopolized these ceremonies designed to win the blessing of the ancestors or heaven, and abstract realm called Tian.

16 Interaction with environment
Better farm implements Irrigation system The development of the four pronged hoe became a major development of the agriulture of China. It was far more efficient for preparing sizeable plots of lands than simply digging sticks that had been used to poke holes in the soil to plant seeds. The hoe made Chinese Aagriculture more productive and thus capable of supporting a larger population. Development of Tools

17 Interaction with environment
Moved down the Yellow river Due to the Chinese other Hunters and Gatherers moved According to Stearns, as the agriculture developed there has been a great population growth. The reason for the migration is still unknown, however, people moved down the Yellow River into the Shangdong penninsula, and then south across the flatlands to first the Huai and later the Yangzi Rivers. As they advanced, non-chinese peoples who were hunter-gathers and shifting cultuvators fell back into the hils to the west of the great plains and then the mountanious regions of Yangzi

18 ECONOMY Mostly Agriculture The continuous Attack of Nomads
Led to Development of Culture According to Stearns, they have mostly developed millets and wheats, but the rice has developed the most from all agriculture. It spread through all of China. Also, due to the continuous attack of nomads, the Zhou dynasty has developed in social structures, militaries, and political systems. Core regions of Chinese Revolution

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