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Note Some of the word wall sheets can be found in sub –Saharan Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Note Some of the word wall sheets can be found in sub –Saharan Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note Some of the word wall sheets can be found in sub –Saharan Africa

2 North Africa the region of Africa that is dominated by both Islam and the Sahara Desert

3 Suez Canal Is a manmade river that is important to trade between Asia and Europe.

4 Aswan Dam is a structure that controls the flow of the Nile River and creates electricity.

5 Nile River the only physical feature that allows large groups of people to live in the Sahara Desert.

6 African Union is an organization, group, that gets together to discuss issues affecting Africa and possible solutions.


8 Natural Resources =

9 Natural Resources 7 left…
A supply of materials produced by the Earth, that are valuable to human society. 7 left…

10 Political Map

11 Political Map shows continents, countries, and divisions with an area. 6 left…

12 Thematic Map Potential Topics Oil Location Birth Rates Crime Rate
Land Use Education Rates Etc….

13 Thematic Map shows an area and an issue. 5 left…

14 Physical Map

15 Physical Map shows what the landscape of a region looks like by showing hills, plain, and mountains. 4 left…

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