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Greek Government Ancient Greek polis or city-states each had their own form of government, laws & money Each had an agora = centre or marketplace, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Government Ancient Greek polis or city-states each had their own form of government, laws & money Each had an agora = centre or marketplace, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Government Ancient Greek polis or city-states each had their own form of government, laws & money Each had an agora = centre or marketplace, and an acropolis = fortified hilltop People were intensely loyal to their polis; little cooperation in Greece as a whole – trade between polis was common, but war was equally common

2 Formation of Government
As a result of large scale trade and introduction of coinage, wealth became much more influential than lineage kings were soon replaced by landowners and aristocrats (ex. Priesthood, army leaders, judges = social elite) who could afford to defend the city two styles of government emerged: oligarchy & democracy

3 Oligarchy Where monarchs were replaced by influential people (or ruled alongside them), an oligarchical form of govt. emerged Oligoi = “few” Arch = “to rule”

4 Democracy a change in the style of warfare influenced this new form of govt. Individual style of fighting replaced by a more unified movement of a large number of warriors (hoplite warfare) Since this relied on large numbers, anyone who could afford the armour could fight! This lead to a desire of the general populace for more say in their government Hence, democracy “rule by the people” emerged

5 The Greek Hoplite Used heavy spears, stood shoulder to shoulder, eight lines deep; numbers crucial to prevent being rounded and attacked from behind; variety of elaborate helmets

6 Small victories?? Rulers DID succeed in: Codifying laws
Developing industry and commerce Breaking up large estates and dividing them up amongst the peasants

7 “The Age of the Tyrants”
BCE – power was taken from the greedy nobles in many polis by violent means period named for the people who seized control of power

8 Cypselus In Corinth, a noble, Cypselus was excluded from the ruling circle of nobles despite his ability & great ambition As a result, he gathered a military force composed of other discontented citizens & in 657 BCE he defeated and forced the ruling clan of noble into exile Took control of the govt. and began to rule for the benefit of the middle class who supported him… A tyrant???

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