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The enlightenment spreads

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1 The enlightenment spreads

2 Objectives Explain how Enlightenment ideas spread through Europe
Describe changes in art, music, and literature during the Enlightenment Show how Enlightenment ideas reformed monarchies in Prussia, Austria, and Russia

3 Remember Salon Baroque Neoclassical Enlightened Despot Catherine the Great Understand Why must rulers balance their philosophical goals with practical concerns about support? Apply How does neoclassicism reflect the ideas of order and reason? Analyze Even though criticism of the church and government was prohibited, Enlightenment ideas spread quickly. What does this tell you about their appeal? Create

4 As we have talked about, new ideas could cause trouble.
It was illegal in France to criticize either the Church or the government. Books, magazines, and word of mouth helped the Enlightenment spread.

5 A World of Ideas Paris is the cultural center of the world Diderot’s Encyclopedia Salons Large gatherings where philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, and other great intellects gather Denis Diderot Created large set of books Many leading scholars contributed Encyclopedia receives backlash French Gov/Church ban the work Under minds royal authority, encourages spirts of revolt, fosters moral coruption

6 New Artistic Styles Neoclassical Style Baroque Neoclassical
Grande, ornate design Neoclassical Simple, elegant; Greek, Roman

7 New Artistic Styles Changes in Music and Literature Classical Music
Lighter, elegant style Mozart Beethoven Classical Literature Carefully plotted Suspense Thoughtful characters

8 Enlightenment and the Monarchy
Some monarchs embraced Voltaire's ideas of ruling justly Enlightened Despots Wanted to make countries stronger Rule more effectively

9 Enlightenment and the Monarchy
Frederick the Great of Prussia Reduced censorship More religious freedom Improved education Established a justice system Abolished torture Thoughts serfdom was wrong, but did not stop it

10 Enlightenment and the Monarchy
Joseph II of Austria Legal reforms Freedom of press Religious freedom Abolished serfdom Paid in cash Changes reverted after death 

11 Enlightenment and the Monarchy
Catherine the Great of Russia Proposed reforms based on Montesquieu and Beccaria Religious tolerance Abolished torture/capital punishment Only limited reforms pass Little was done to help peasents

12 Russia along with England continued to expand their empires during the Enlightenment. England would soon have to deal with radical change in North America based on Enlightenment ideas.

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