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Prevent - Recognising & Safeguarding Vulnerabilities

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1 Prevent - Recognising & Safeguarding Vulnerabilities
Christina Andrew Acting Strategic Lead - Communities

2 Overview Prevent is a cross Government programme with local authorities and other specified agencies to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. There are 3 distinct strands to Prevent; ideology, individuals, institutions. Prevent is based on having conversations with trusted colleagues and using professional judgement to understand when to intervene Challenging the threat of extremism collaboratively

3 Recognising the Threat
National Action proscription – glorified the murder of Jo Cox. Focus on white supremacy. Home Office has revealed that 25% of Channel referrals are for far right extremism cases. Britain First has 1.6 million likes on Facebook. Reporting last month that there are 10 attacks a day on German migrants, often targeting housing with arson.

4 Recognising the Threat
Visual sophistication of ISIS campaign videos. Multiple tools are used to attract people – foreign policy, western leaders being untrustworthy, the cost of wars waged by the west. All of the above are used in conjunction with generic tools used by groomers – providing a sense of belonging, excitement, responsibility etc.

5 Channel Channel is a programme that focuses on providing support at an early stage to people who are identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism Channel is modelled on other successful multi-agency risk management processes. Channel uses existing collaboration between local authorities, the police, statutory partners (such as the education sector, social services, children’s and youth services and offender management services) and the local community to:

6 Channel Support individuals who are vulnerable to recruitment or have already been recruited by violent extremists Identify individuals at risk of being drawn in to extremism Assess the nature and extent of that risk Develop the most appropriate support for the individuals concerned

7 For more information on Prevent, training queries, or referrals to the Channel process, contact:
Christina Andrew, Acting Strategic Lead Communities –

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