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America moves to the city

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1 America moves to the city
Ch. 25 America moves to the city

2 Increasing Numbers The population of the United States doubled between 1870 and 1900( million) City populations tripled in size by 1900. Skyscrapers first arrive in the 1880’s

3 Chicago 1885

4 Changes in City Life Engineering: Brooklyn Bridge, Subways
More people have electricity, indoor plumbing Department Stores: Macy’s, Sears, JC Penny’s

5 Dumbbell Tenements Building designed to pack as many people into them as possible. Each floor had one ventilation shaft and toilet Dirty, rat filled places.


7 New Immigrants Immigrants between were from primarily Ireland, Germany and China. New Immigrants: Italians, Jews, Croats, Slovaks, Greeks and Poles Moved here Because: Population, Opportunity

8 Responses to Immigration
Many political bosses( Boss Tweed): would trade jobs and help for immigrant votes Hull House- Jane Addams, founded to help immigrants adjust to USA Women took up the social reform for immigrants


10 Darwin’s Theory Natural Selection published in 1800’s
Split the church into two groups: Those that accommodated Darwin and those that rejected the theory.

11 Education Public High schools and Primary schools are on the rise.
Schools to educate teachers also increase. Cities had better education systems than rural locations

12 Educators Booker T. Washington: First head of the Tuskegee Institute. “accommodationist” George Washington Carver: scientist, teacher at Tuskegee(invented peanut butter) W.E.B. DuBois- NAACP, wanted immediate rights




16 Changing College Education
Education became focused on the truth as opposed to religious training. Pragmatism: Truth must have a practical use

17 Yellow Journalism Journalism takes a sensational approach in the late 1800’s Pioneered by Joseph Pulitzer. More concerned with circulation than with facts.


19 Women’s reforms Carrie Chapman Catt- led the suffrage movement in the early 1900’s Clara Barton- Red Cross( 1881) 1869- Wyoming is the first state to grant women’s suffrage

20 Temperance National Prohibition Party- 1869
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union- 1874 Anti-Saloon League- 1874


22 Literature Literacy on the rise, books in a higher demand.
Authors to know: Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Jack London


24 Artistic Culture Columbian Exposition- Chicago in 1893, Celebrated classical architectural forms in America.


26 Amusements People now had the free time to enjoy amusements
Circus- PT Barnum and James Bailey Wild West Shows- Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley



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