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Values slider Our Values are an integral part of how we live the Diamond Dream. Within our Performance Management approach we already look at how we live.

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Presentation on theme: "Values slider Our Values are an integral part of how we live the Diamond Dream. Within our Performance Management approach we already look at how we live."— Presentation transcript:

1 Values slider Our Values are an integral part of how we live the Diamond Dream. Within our Performance Management approach we already look at how we live the values as well as how we perform against our KPI’s. The tool below – the Values Slider – will provide some consistency of how we rate ourselves and others against our values within the performance management process.

2 Rarely Often Almost Always
Move the coloured sliders to rate the person on how they live our values. Then press the “Result” button. Role model behaviour in living this value Behaviour of not living this value Rarely Often Almost Always When you are happy with the slider positions for each value, press the “Result” button. RESULT = (depending on the slider positions the out comes are star icon, equals sign or minus sign)

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