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Dr. Stacy L. Jones National Pan-Hellenic Council

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1 Dr. Stacy L. Jones National Pan-Hellenic Council National Vice President March 21, 2017

2 Webinar Goals Purpose Summary Details Benefits and Goals
Event Coordination Site selection Tools Needed Anticipated number of Volunteers needed Sample Press Release Logos and Social Media Sample Assignment Worksheet NPHC Reporting Form Q&A

3 Purpose #NPHCUnited4Service is a community service initiative which focuses on the collaboration and joint programming among NPHC organization to celebrate the mission of NPHC established in 1930: “Unanimity of thought and action as far as possible in the conduct of Greek letter collegiate fraternities and sororities, and to consider problems of mutual interest to its member organizations.”

4 Summary #NPHCUnited4Service initiative is designed to encourage NPHC councils, NPHC member organizations, and members of NPHC organizations to engage in a community wide service project(s) during the month of April 10th – May 10th. This time was selected to coincide with the anniversary of the founding of NPHC on May 10, 1930.

5 Details

6 #NPHCUnited4Service #NPHCUnited4Service activities can include work with existing NPHC partners, like St. Jude, Voter Registration, or UNCF. Other activities could include locally focused programming, such as volunteering with existing community organizations, Voter Empowerment food pantries, community cleanup, habitat for humanity, etc.

7 2016 #United4Service Activities Reported
Boxed 8,190 lbs of food to will help eliminate hunger in 13 North Texas counties Assist elderly DeSoto residents with maintaining their yards. Sponsored a debate between the candidates running for mayor in the city of Wilmington, Delaware. Raised more than $3000 by hosting a Greek Bowl-a-Thon that benefited Big Brother Big Sister of Greater Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama. Provided more than 300 hours of service and raised $43,000 for the March for Park Babies Campaign in Chicago, Illinois. Hosted a neighborhood beautification project and distributed children's books to families in one of the poorest areas of in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Hosted the Second Annual Power of Education College Fair at East Gadsden High School in Quincy, Florida. Donated 5000 bags of Kettle chips to Caesar Chavez Community Action Center food shelves around campus to feed hungry students at San Jose State University in San Jose, California. Hosted a Voter Registration Drive to educate the San Jose State University community on the presidential election candidates and the right to vote in San Jose, California. Donated 204 lbs of peanut butter and jelly to provide to Feeding Northeast Florida, an organization committed to fighting hunger in Jacksonville, Florida. Approximately 520 participants representing all of the “Divine 9” organizations Over 9000 pounds of food provided More than $46000 raised for charity Provided at least 3000 hours of service

8 Front of Shirt Back of Shirt
NPHC councils, member organizations, and members are asked to demonstrate solidarity by wearing black and white (with an organizational pin) or a locally designed NPHC t-shirt. Front of Shirt Back of Shirt

9 To maximize the impact of the event, inactive members should be invited and encouraged to participate in the service activity. This initiative can support local reclamation and reactivation efforts for member organizations.

10 Groups conducting an activity are encouraged to promote their event via media outlets, including traditional and social media, NPHC will provide a toolkit of resources for marketing, such as a logo for use on marketing materials, and social media messaging and hashtags for posting, such as #NHPCUnited4Service. NPHC leadership/COP will issue press releases, consider interviews with media, as well as other opportunities to promote the program. NPHC councils and the member organizations will be encouraged to post and share the promotional messaging leading up to the event.

11 Sample Hashtags and Logo
#UANPHCUnited4Service #StillmanNPHCUnited4Service #TuscaloosaNPHCUnited4Service

12 Sample Press Release

13 NHPC local councils are asked to capture and report their activities utilizing the form available on the NPHC website at NPHCHQ.ORG. This form will provide an opportunity for local councils to include a summary of activities, metrics, and photos. Please note: This information may be used on the national website, yearend reports, etc.

14 Reporting Form

15 Benefits and goals

16 #NPHCUnited4Service … is in alignment with the mission of NPHC.
provides a platform for member collaboration provides a promotional opportunity for NPHC to demonstrate its service to the community. serves as a promotional opportunity for member organization supports member reclamation/reactivation. provides a platform for NPHC to encourage membership/chapter development. provides us with the opportunity to continue shaping our message for the public of organizations who perform service for our communities



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