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2 NATIONALISM At the beginning of the twentieth century, much of eastern Europe was dominated by three weak and crumbling empires: The Austro-Hungarian, Russian, and the Ottoman Empire. Many nationalities resented being dominated by a foreign power and wanted to be independent nations, free to determine their own political future and maintain their cultural identity When Austria Hungary took control of Bosnia Herzegovina in the Balkans, many Serbs were outraged at suddenly being part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This sense of NATIONALISM (or intense loyalty toward one’s own country and culture) was a powerful force throughout Europe


4 ALLIANCES In an effort to reduce their vulnerability to attack, some countries formed ALLIANCES, agreeing to support one another in the event of an invasion by another country Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed the TRIPLE ALLIANCE. Then France, feeling isolated and threatened by this power bloc to the east, joined with Russia and Britain in an opposing alliance called the TRIPLE ENTENTE By surrounding the Germany, the countries of the Triple Entente hoped to reduce the threat of war. These alliances, however, had the opposite effect because any one member of an alliance could rely on immediate assistance from its allies if it became involved in a conflict


6 MILITARISM Alliances may have acted as a deterrent to war in the short term, by they failed to stop the massive buildup in armaments and armies (MILITARISM) that was taking place in Europe Balance of Power By the beginning of the twentieth century, Germany had the strongest army and the most powerful arsenal of weapons in Europe What it wanted next was a powerful and strong navy But Germany was up against Britain- known as the undisputed ruler of the seas When Germany started to expand its navy, Britain responded by building the largest battleship ever, HMS DREADNOUGHT Not to be outdone, Germany built its own dreadnoughts with the result that by 1914, both countries had amassed huge fleets of warships. A fierce arms race was on


8 IMPERIALISM While nationalist tensions grew across Europe, IMPERIALISM (the acquisition of overseas territories, was also on the rise) Colonization of Africa by Italy/Belgium/Germany/Britain Britain and France were expanding their overseas empires from the colonies they had previously established throughout the world By the late 1800’s the race to claim territories in Africa, a continent rich in gold, diamonds, and ivory, had become highly competitive


TALK ABOUT ARCHDUKE FERDINAND A BIT WHAT HAPPENED? Archduke Ferdinand-had agreed to attend a series of June 1914 military exercises in Bosnia-Herzegovina Austria-Hungary had just annexed these provinces a few years earlier against the wishes of neighbouring Serbia. Roughly 40 percent Serbs mixed with various other ethnicities within this empire. Serbia nationalists wanted Bosnia to become a part of Serbia, forming their own nation around their common ethnicity- this included Serbians in AH and in Serbia


Upon learning about Ferdinand’s upcoming visit, the Young Bosnians (a secret revolutionary society of peasant students) began plotting to assassinate him. Gavrilo Princip and the Black Hand


14 THE SETUP Having received multiple warnings to cancel the trip, the archduke knew that danger potentially awaited them During the troop inspection in Sarajevo, Bosnia, the Young Bosnians had fanned out along the route Archduke Ferdinand was supposed to take

15 ATTEMPT AND SUCCESS One of the men hurled a bomb at the car only to watch it bounce off the roof and roll underneath the wrong vehicle The explosion wounded two army officers and several bystanders by Ferdinand and his wife were unharmed The car carrying the Archduke raced down the street, and turned onto a side street right where Princip was standing. Princip whipped out his pistol and fired two shots at the archduke from point blank range piercing him in the neck.


17 BLANK CHEQUE The Assassination led to the rapid descent into WWI
First Austria Hungary received a blank cheque from Germany- a statement that Germany will INDEFINITELY back Austria Hungary if they decided to take actions against Serbia


19 THE ULTIMATUM Serbia was given an ultimatum by AH They would have to accept an AH inquiry into the assassination. Serbia also had to suppress all anti- Austrian propaganda and take steps to root out and eliminate terrorist’s organizations within its borders. AH demanded an answer to the note in 48 hours On receiving the ultimatum, Serbia appealed to Russia to determine the course of action—Russia started to mobilize Serbian government ordered army to mobilize

20 DECLARATION OF WAR Serbia responded to the ultimatum EXCEPT ONE they refused to allow AH to do an internal inquiry, stating that this would be a violation of the Constitution and of the law of criminal procedure The Serbian Ambassador packed his bags- headed back to Serbia. Three days later, AH declared war on Serbia.


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