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End of WWI.

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1 End of WWI

2 How did it end? The last battle was the Battle of the Argonne Forest in France. American troops shattered German defenses.

3 When did it end? November 11, 1918 Germany signed an armistice, or cease-fire.

4 The Big Four In 1919, world leaders met in Paris to discuss treaties.
Leadership fell to “The Big Four” President Woodrow Wilson-- United States Prime Minister David Lloyd George --- Great Britain Premier Georges Clemenceau France Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando  Italy

5 The Big Four Ct’d They discussed treaties for the losing nations: Germany, Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, Austria, and Hungary. Russia, since it dropped out, had no say. None of the losing nations were allowed to attend the conference. It was very difficult to reach a compromise on what to do.

6 Wilson’s Peace Plan His document was called the Fourteen Points. In this document, he outlined his plans for lasting peace He asked the Allies to avoid giving too harsh of punishments or demanding heavy reparations- payments for the costs of war. They didn’t listen.

7 Treaty of Versailles The compromises and the League of Nations were written into the Treaty. The League of Nations was a worldwide peace keeping organization.

8 Treaty of Versailles What did it do? Created the League of Nations -
Forced Germany to accept responsibility for the entire war. Demanded Germany to pay reparations to the Allies. Formed new nations in Eastern Europe Forced Germany to return Alsace and Lorraine to France Reduced Germany’s army and navy Eliminated Germany’s air force and all submarines Banned Germany from putting troops along the Rhine River

9 Germany got the short end of the deal.
Treaty of Versailles Germany got the short end of the deal.

10 League of Nations Pros: League promised to keep the peace
By the 1930’s, 60 nations belonged to the League. It could condemn a nation for wrongful acts. Could impose economic sanctions

11 League of Nations Cons: The U.S. refused to join
Russia and Germany weren’t allowed to join Every decision required approval by all 14 members. Nonmembers could ignore all recommendations/sanctions Lacked any way to enforce decisions

12 Redrawing World Maps In your notes, make a chart that has two columns.
Nations added after WW I Nations/Empires taken away after WWI Turn to page 781 in your textbook; then flip to page 790 in your textbook. Using the two pages, you will make a list of new nations/empires added/taken away. You will flip back and forth between the two pages until you have a list of at least 12 added nations and 5 nations/empire that were taken away. You may work with a partner on this.

13 Redrawing World Maps Nations that were added: Nations that were taken away: Austria - Lithuania -Austria-Hungary Hungary - Czechoslovakia Ottoman Empire Finland - Yugoslavia Russia Latvia - Turkey Estonia - East Prussia Montenegro Poland - Soviet Union - Serbia Ireland

14 What happened in the Middle East?
The Ottoman Empire was broken up into new nations, but Europeans ruled some of them as mandates. (The L.O.N. governed the nation, but the nation was allowed to run it). European control of new nations in the Middle East started a wave of nationalism among Arabs. Nationalism caused ibn Saud to unite Arabs on the Arabian peninsula he created the oil-rich nation of Saudi Arabia.

15 What is the Balfour Declaration?
After WWI, Great Britain promised Jews a homeland in Palestine. This led to the creation of Israel after WWII. The Jewish settlement of Palestine triggered a conflict that still remains today (Israelis vs. Palestinians)

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