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*An allergy is an exaggerated Immune response or reaction to substances that are generally not harmful. Allergy.

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Presentation on theme: "*An allergy is an exaggerated Immune response or reaction to substances that are generally not harmful. Allergy."— Presentation transcript:

1 *An allergy is an exaggerated Immune response or reaction to substances that are generally not harmful. Allergy

2 An antigen is often foreign or toxic to the body
Any substance that initiates an immune reaction Examples: Weeds Food Trees Pollens Dust Grasses

3 Antibodies: are protein which produced by small lymphocytes and plasma cells in response to their stimulation by complete antigen. Example of immunoglobulins:. IgE IgG IgM IgA IgD

4 Food allergies are the most common in infants and usually diminishes as the child grows.
Immaturity of the digestive and immune systems is a contributing factor. Development of allergy is influenced by: Heredity GI permeability Immune response Exposure to food

5 Diagnosis (involved) History and physical examination, food and symptom diary immunological testing, elimination diet, double blind food challenge. Treatment Elimination of the off ending food (Small amounts may consumed without problems but if tolerance is very low traces are not allowed)

6 ● Runny nose ● Tearing eyes, burning or itching eye
Allergies Symptoms & Signs Allergy symptoms vary depending on what is causing the reaction and the part of the body where the reaction occurs. Symptoms can include ● Runny nose ● Tearing eyes, burning or itching eye ● Red eye ● Swollen eye ● Itching nose, mouth, throat, skin, or any other area ● Wheezing ● Coughing ● Difficulty breathing ● Hives (rashes) ● Skin rashes ● Stomach cramps ● Vomiting ● Diarrhea ● Headache

7 Definition of cancer : the growth of abnormal cells in the body in an uncontrolled manner; unlike benign tumors, these tend to invade surrounding tissues, and spread to distant sites of the body via the blood stream and lymphatic system Cancer

8 Cancer ranks second to heart disease as a cause of death
Cancer ranks second to heart disease as a cause of death. It is believed to occur in 2 steps by 2 kind of agents. * Initiators: Carcinogen a substance that changes a normal cell to cancerous. * Promoter: any factor that causes the cancerous cell to grow and multiply. Cancer

9 Cancer Colon cancer

10 Food may have desirable and undesirable roles in carcinogenesis
undesirable effects * some foods may contain carcinogens “aflatoxins” * some foods may contain precarcinogens “nitrites” * Substances in some foods may be promoters “high cell growth” desirable effects: * Food substances may counteract initiators * Food components may slow tumor growth * Food components may enhance the immune system Principle risk factors of the colon/rectum, breast, and prostate cancer

11 Dietary guideline to prevent cancer
1- Reduce the intake of fat 2- emphasize the consumption of the whole grain cereals, fruit, and veg. 3- Minimize the consumption of food preserved by salt curing, salt pickling/or smoking. 4- Minimize contamination of the food supply with carcinogens from any source and continue efforts to monitor the food safety. 5- Avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially by cigarette smoking.

12 Specific Cancer Relationships Based on Epidemiological Studies
Cancer Sites Incidence Association Pancreatic Smoking; possibly meat, cholesterol Esophageal Alcohol, tobacco & combined use Stomach Salt-preserved foods; possibly grilling Colorectal Fat; possibly eggs, grilling, sugar Liver Hepatitis B or aflatoxins; alcohol Lung Smoking; possibly alcohol, fat & cholesterol Breast Obesity; early puberty; alcohol; possibly meat & fat Endometrial Obesity, estrogen therapy, fat Cervical Folate deficiency; smoking Bladder Smoking; possibly artificial sweeteners, coffee & alcohol Prostate High fat intake Here are factors that are associated with cancer at specific sites. According to epidemiological studies there are strong correlations associated with these factors. Protective effectives are all associated with fruits and vegetables; especially those high in antioxidants and fiber.

13 Definition of Antioxidants
Antioxidants are compounds typically found in foods that significantly decrease the adverse effect of oxidants on body functions. Oxidative stress is damage inflicted on cells in the body. Free radicals are unstable, highly reactive molecules that cause oxidative stress. Definition of Antioxidants

14 The Theory of Antioxidants & Disease
Oxygen free radical Fatty acids, DNA, or cholesterol Vitamin E The theory of antioxidants and disease looks something like this. A free radical attacks fatty acids, proteins or cholesterol molecules forming other free radicals. This initiates a rapid, destructive chain reaction. The result is injury to tissues and the formation of more free radicals, which ultimately leads to disease and tissue aging. An antioxidant like vitamin E stops the chain reaction by changing the nature of the free radical. Normally, the body’s antioxidant defenses are enough to neutralize free-radicals from doing damage. The antioxidant theory of disease prevention is to stock the body with extra antioxidants. The best way to obtain more antioxidants in body cells is by eating them in foods and by exercising. Vitamin E stops the chain reaction by changing the nature of the free radical.


16 Top Antioxidant Fruits & Vegetables
Prunes Raisins Blueberries Blackberries Strawberries Raspberries Plums Oranges Red Grapes Cherries Kale Spinach Brussels sprouts Broccoli Beets Red bell pepper Onion Corn Eggplant There is strong evidence that a high intake of fruits and vegetables combats many of the diseases we battle as we age. The top antioxidant fruits are prunes, raisins, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums, oranges, red grapes and cherries. The top antioxidant vegetables are kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beets, red bell pepper, onion, corn and eggplant. Should we try to eat more antioxidant foods? Since the benefits of eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables are well backed by research, it appears to be a great recommendation. In addition foods high in fiber seem to protect against cancer as well, so be sure to include whole grains in your diet.

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