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Chapter 10 “I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus”

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1 Chapter 10 “I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus”
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

2 vocabulary hyperventilating- to breathe more heavily and faster than normal vulnerable- can be hurt easily generate- make, create obscures- blocks interpret- to give or provide a meaning of propaganda- the deliberate spreading of information, rumors, etc. to help a group or cause melancholy- sad, depressed endure- to put up with *irritated- bothered, upset repulsively- so horrible it drives others away withered- dried or shriveled up *gnarled- twisted out of shape quivering- shaking all over shriveled- got smaller and wrinkled up *impulsive- to do something without thinking first *eternal- forever plunged- dived into

3 Journal Many of the campers at Camp Half-Blood have their own magic item. Clarisse has an electric spear. Annabeth has a baseball cap that turns her invisible. What magic item would make sense for Percy, as the son of the Sea God? Design your own magic item. Percy gets to try his hand at driving a bus in this chapter. Defend or attack this proposition: “The national driving age should be lowered to 13.” Can you think of any reasons that might actually convince Congress to pass such a law?

4 Multiple Meanings ____1. I always assume that Grover is worried about getting teased. A. to take on B. to seize C. to suppose ____2. After Gabe was so rude to me, Eddie, the super of the building, looked at me with a twinge of sympathy. A. to feel pity or compassion B. to share feelings C. a mutual liking or understanding ____3. I watched Gabe lumber back to his apartment building. A. timber sawed into boards B. discarded household furniture C. to move heavily and noisily

5 Multiple Meanings(2) ____4. My mom used a stern voice and talked to me in tone she had never used before. A. the rear end of a ship B. strict, severe C. never gives up ____5. My head slammed into the tree and the impact nearly knocked my teeth out. A. to have an effect on B. to hit with force C. to force tightly together ____6. The last thing I remembered, I collapsed into a chair on the porch. A. to break down suddenly B. to fold together C. to fall down

6 Multiple Meanings (3) ____7. Annabeth’s shoulders got tense, “You know about the summer solstice?” A. any form of a verb that shows actions B. undergoing tension C. stretched tight; taunt ____8. Chiron took great offense to the comment I made about Poseidon. A. a hurt, angry feeling B. the act of attacking C. a sin or crime ____9. “She didn’t stay dead long,” I said, trying not to let my voice quiver. A. a case holding arrows B. to tremble C. to shake tremendously ____10. We plunged into the woods as the rain poured down leaving the burning bus behind us. A. to throw suddenly B. to dive or fall C. to violently move forward or downward

7 Write a sentence 11. Use the word gnarled (to make knotted or twisted out of shape) correctly in a sentence. 12. Use the word impulsive (to do something without thinking first) correctly in a sentence

8 Activities • Give vocabulary for Ch. 10-13
• Complete “Multiple Meanings” • Have the student complete a graphic organizer (like Ch. 2, see sample) • Have them draw a picture of what they think a Fury would look like

9 Activity Using the description provided in this chapter (page 163), draw the three Furies as they prepare to attack Percy on the bus.•

10 Draw Your Own Fury The Ancient Greeks had many different ideas about what the Three Furies looked like. Below are some depictions from Ancient Greek pottery. Draw your own updated version of what modern Furies might look like. Use the attached worksheet to see how the Ancient Greeks envisioned the Furies. Then draw your own updated version.


12 Setting

13 Characters

14 Point of View

15 Method of Narration

16 Conflicts

17 Symbols

18 Important Quotes

19 Study Questions Who is Argus and why can he never be surprised?
What gift does Luke give to Percy? Why can’t Percy use them? What special properties does Riptide have? What is Mist? What are some of the reasons Annabeth gives for why Poseidon and Athena don’t get along? According to Grover, why did Percy’s mom marry Gabe? Percy says he’s not going on the quest to retrieve the lightning bolt. What’s his real reason for going? How does Percy sneak to the front of the bus? Why doesn’t Percy leave the bus when he has the chance? How do Percy, Grover and Annabeth lose their luggage?

20 Activity

21 Activity Olympian Travel Agency. Percy Jackson has ten days to from New York to Los Angeles and back again, and he can’t use air travel. Is this possible? Try to use internet sources to “book” a trip for Percy and his friends using buses or trains. How much would the trip cost? How long would it take? Try these sources to start: (for trains) (for busses)

22 Procedure Read the chapter Read the PowerPoint Write the journal entry
Write a summary Do the exercise related to vocabulary Do the study questions Do any extra assignments in folder for this chapter

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