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Figurative Language.

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1 Figurative Language

2 Figurative Language Figuratively: figure out what it means
I’ve got your back. You’re a doll. ^Figures of Speech Figurative language is writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally. 9/22/2018

3 Her hair was so dirty, it was like slimy spaghetti.
A Simile is the comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as. Her hair was so dirty, it was like slimy spaghetti.

4 Her hair was so dirty, it was slimy spaghetti.
A metaphor is the comparison of two unlike things without using like or as. Her hair was so dirty, it was slimy spaghetti.

5 A hyperbole is a complete exaggeration.
I studied for so long that my eyes began to droop and my brain began to explode from the overload of information!

6 An alliteration is the repetition of beginning letter sounds in a series of words.
Big bad Bob bought blueberry bagels at the bakery because Betty brought bagels from the boutique on Bert’s birthday as part of the breakfast buffet.

7 An assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in a series of words.
The fat cat sat on the mat with Pat while the rat sat on the mat with his bat.

8 An idiom is an expression not taken seriously.
It was raining cats and dogs! Time really flew today!

9 An onomatopoeia is a sound spelled out as a word
The boy jumped into the puddle with a huge ker-splash!

10 The wind softly whispered her name, as she skipped home from school.
Personification is the giving of human characteristics to non-human things. The wind softly whispered her name, as she skipped home from school.

11 What am I? The puppy happily smiled at his owner.
The sad, slippery seal squealed with sadness. The students were driving the hall monitor up the wall! The map went flap. Her eyes grew to the size of watermelons when she saw the huge birthday cake. 9/22/2018

12 WHAT AM I? 6. The arms of the tree wrapped itself warmly around the bird. 7. Her eyes are diamonds. 8. Her personality is like a shining star. 9. With a huge splat, the bug was obliterated. 9/22/2018

13 9/22/2018

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