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Thursday, December 10, 2015 Directions: Write the form of the noun in parentheses ( ) that shows ownership. 1. This is ________________ homework. (Matthew)

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, December 10, 2015 Directions: Write the form of the noun in parentheses ( ) that shows ownership. 1. This is ________________ homework. (Matthew)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, December 10, 2015 Directions: Write the form of the noun in parentheses ( ) that shows ownership. 1. This is ________________ homework. (Matthew) 2. The _____________ pants are black. (boys- more than 1 boy) 3. That ______________ feathers are yellow. (1 bird) 4. This is _______________ jacket. (Sarah) 5. The ___________ toy is noisy. (dogs- more than 1 dog) Now write two original sentences that include an apostrophe showing ownership. One example must use a singular possessive and one word must use a plural possessive.

2 Friday, December 11, 2015 Directions: Write the form of the noun in parentheses ( ) that shows ownership. 1. My ______________ projects are fantastic. (1 class) 2. Are these _______________ quarters? (1 grandma) 3. The _____________ stalls are clean now. (horses- more than 1 horse) 4. __________ uniforms needs to be washed. (Bob and Jenna) 5. The _________ rattle is pink. (1 baby) Now write two original sentences that include an apostrophe showing ownership. One example must use a singular possessive and one word must use a plural possessive.

3 Monday, December 14, 2015 Directions: Write the proper word (its or it’s) in the space provided. 1. The tiger licked paw. 2. I wonder if going to rain tomorrow. 3. I’m glad sunny outside today. 4. My cat and kittens are taking a nap. 5. Your puppy is so cute, what’s name? 6. Have you seen my toy? not in the box. 7. That dress is beautiful! color is perfect for you. 8. Hurry up and catch the train! coming! 9. time to go to school. 10. going to be a long walk to the train.

4 Tuesday, December 15, 2015 Directions: Are these sentences properly punctuated? If they are, write “C” on the line. If they are not perfect, write IC and write the word with the corrected apostrophe on the line. 1. In the forest, all of the trees leaves were yellow and brown. 2. The clock’s hands seemed to move slower as class continued. 3. The President-in-Chiefs car was waiting outside the building. 4. I would’ve gone to the show, but it was playing too late. 5. Jamess’ book bag was found in the library. 6. I wish Johns grades were better. 7. Its a beautiful day outside; we should go for a run. 8. The addresses were all incorrect because they omitted

5 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Directions: Are these sentences properly punctuated? If they are, write “C” on the line. If they are not perfect, write “IC” and then re-write the word where the apostrophe should go on the line. 1. The cats’ nails needed to be trimmed. (1 cat). 2. Kansas’s weather can be stressful during tornado season. 3. The twin’s crying kept their mom and dad up all night. 4. Its a difficult journey ahead, but well worth the struggle. 5. Were going to have a great time at Snowcoming this year! 6. The team’s hard work at practice is what helped them win the game. 7. The fishes’s tail was blue. 8. You cant get your drivers’ license until your 16.

6 Warm Up Thursday, December 17, 2015 Write the word or words that need correcting
1. Whos the partys candidate for vice president this year? 2. The fox had its right foreleg caught securely in the traps jaws. 3. Our neighbors car is an old Chrysler, and its just about to fall apart. 4. In three weeks time well have to begin school again. 5. Didnt you hear that theyre leaving tomorrow? 6. Whenever I think of the stories I read as a child, I remember Cinderellas glass slipper and Snow Whites wicked stepmother.

7 Warm Up Friday, December 18, 2015
1. She did not hear her childrens cries. 2. My address has three 7s, and Tims phone number has four 2s. 3. Didnt he say when he would arrive at Arnies house? 4. Its such a beautiful day that Ive decided to take a sun bath. 5. She said the watch Jack found was hers, but she couldnt identify the manufacturers name on it. 6. Little girls clothing is on the first floor, and the mens department is on the second.

8 Answer three of the following questions thoughtfully and thoroughly.
Explain Miss Maudie’s statement: “…sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of another.” Can you imagine an instance (or think of What did you learn about the Radleys from Miss Maudie?

9 Warm Up Friday, December 19, 2014
1. The dogs bark was far worse than its bite. 2. The moons rays shone feebly on the path, and I heard the insects chirpings and whistlings. 3. Theyre not afraid to go ahead with the plans, though the choice is not theirs. 4. The man whose face was tan said that he had spent his two weeks vacation in the mountains. 5. I found myself constantly putting two cs in the word process. 6. Johns 69 Ford is his proudest possession.

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