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Incomplete Sentences Fragments

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1 Incomplete Sentences Fragments
Does not have either a subject or a predicate. Some just tell the “who” Others just tell the “what” Examples The slippery frog. Forgot the homework. *Because I went home.

2 Common Fragment Mistakes
Starts with a PREPOSITION With all of my other work. Starts with a DEPENDENT CONJUNCTION word Because we left early. Starts with an a –ING VERB Hoping to get there on time. Starts with TO and a VERB To change the oil.

3 Fragments or Not Never been skiing before. The dangerous gorilla.
While I was eating dinner, Dad was making dessert. While I was eating dinner.

4 Fixing a Fragment Add what is MISSING
If it is missing the subject – add a subject Example- Ran to the store  I ran to the store. If it is missing the predicate – add the predicate Example – The energetic puppy.  The energetic puppy licked my face. Attach the fragment to the sentence before or after it Example – Because he was excited.  Kevin jumped as high as the ceiling because he was excited.

5 Stop! Look at the Sentence
I saw a teacher who cares. What is wrong with this sentence? It has two complete thoughts in it I saw a teacher. Who cares?

6 Incomplete Sentences Run – On
A sentence that has too many ideas and goes on too long Example: Murray takes the train to school Mom takes the bus to work.

7 Fixing Run-ons Break it into two sentences
Murray takes the train to school. Mom takes the bus Add a comma and a conjunction (FANBOYS) Carmen loved travelling in Italy, but she felt it was too hot. Add a dependent word She had a sore throat while she was running a fever.

8 Run-On or Not I want to go to the beach and the zoo and the park and the pizza shop and the arcade. Jan and I have homework to do, but luckily we can do it together. Because Maggie energetically watched Calvin.

9 Types of Sentences

10 Simple Sentence Contains a subject and a verb (a predicate) and express a one complete thought They are also known as independent clauses Example My friend has a beautiful fish. My friend and I both have fish. My friend feeds and watches her fish.

11 Simple Sentences or Not
We congratulated the team on their amazing win. My favorite fruits are oranges and grapes, but my friend loves pineapples. Ali and Mark flew to Australia three times. We travelled to Belgium last summer and ate waffles. My sister vacuums our house, but my job is to wash dishes.

12 Simple Sentences or Not
Kara, our friend. Tyler needs five dollars to buy a slushy. Left for work. Both Sarah and Sandy bought gifts for my twin brother and me. Kevin went to the zoo and pet a giraffe.

13 Compound Sentence Contains two related simple sentences (independent clauses) that are joined together in two basic ways. With a comma and a conjunction (FANBOYS) Example: I love dogs, but my family adopted two cats. 2) With a semi colon Example: You have the right to vote in the election; you are now old enough

14 Compound Sentence or Not
Tara went to the movies and dinner. I am tired, so I went to bed early. Joan went to Hungary not Austria. Justine sent us the tickets; we can now go to NYC. Write your own using comma FANBOYS.

15 Complex Sentence Has one independent clause (simple sentence) plus one dependent clause joined together with a subordinate conjunction * Dependent clauses begin with a subordinate conjunction and contains both a subject and verb Example: I sometimes read at school because it is quiet.


17 Complex Sentence or Not
Nikki won the game because she practiced. Since I was old enough to read. Since I was old enough to read, I have been reading books at night before bed. I will watch TV after I finish my homework. Callie cooked dinner, but Jay ate take-out.

18 What Type of Sentence? Going to the gym.
Kathy flew on her broom stick for the first time. I am a ballerina, but my brother is a wrestler. Livi and Todd sang a duet and danced the tango. Albert cannot believe he is already turning 25 his brother says he is an old man now. Because I am hungry, I will eat dinner early.

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