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Welcome ! Please sign-in (side table) pick up papers We will begin at:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome ! Please sign-in (side table) pick up papers We will begin at:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome ! Please sign-in (side table) pick up papers We will begin at:
Session 1 6:00 Session 2 6:45

2 Back To School Room 13 Mrs. Pacheco

3 About Me 12th year teaching
Have taught Kindergarten, 2nd , 3rd , 4th, 5th 3rd year at Vintage CSULA I love my dog! My husband too!!!!!

4 My Goals for your child Problem solvers Communicate effectively
Collaborate Active listeners Effective Life learners

5 Classroom Rules Listen and follow directions.
Do not talk or walk around while the teacher is teaching. Raise your hand before speaking. Be respectful to your classmates and adults. be safe and keep your hands, feets, and objects to yourself. Be responsible with your materials.

6 Everyday, students begin on
Behavior chart Everyday, students begin on Ready to Learn

7 Points

8 Rewards and Consequences

9 Classroom Policy Bring their homework and materials.
Use the restroom during their break Work independently, with a partner, and with a group benched or detention/ earn points Emergency Restroom Ticket or points/prize lose points/earn points

10 How do we learn in class? teacher models/guides groups and partner

11 Text Reading and Comprehension (TRC)

12 Mathematics Fluency Goals
Multiplication and division facts Add and subtract multiple digits with regrouping easily Talk about math: strategies.

13 Writing Extended, detailed sentences
1 paragraph with minimum 6 sentences 5 paragraph essay (Narrative, Opinion , Informational / Expository)

14 4th grade materials

15 Science/Social Studies
Assessments Language Arts Math Reading Comprehension Grammar quizzes Chapter Test (I will send home a math practice test) Timed Multiplication/ Division facts test Science/Social Studies Quizzes Science notebook observation

16 Homework (about 40 min.) Language Arts/other subject Math
Reading 20 minutes and reading log (due Friday)

17 How can you help? Students need to sleep early.
Read with your children. Question them Practice multiplication/division facts Students need to sleep early.

18 supplies in class several sharpened pencils in pencil box pencil sharpener marker/colored pencils can be kept in baskets composition book (black and white) notebook (green/yellow) water bottle/hat please do not allow your child to bring the follow to school: ruler calculator toys

19 Want to help? Donate wipes, pencils, hand sanitizer, copy paper
If possible, can you donate to the 4th grade funds (field trips/activities) volunteer (in class or send home)

20 School Messages New report card meetings will be held (dates unknown)
volunteer application Direct donations ($25 and up = prizes)

21 Scholastic Code KWVXW

22 Resources Ten Marks Digital Readworks ClassroomGoogle Single Sign On

23 Meeting With Mrs. Pacheco
Call the office Send a note with your child. Come to room 13 before 8:00am or 2:40 after school. Website


25 homework/classwork Math, Reading/reading log, and maybe another subject Reading logs will be turned in Friday. If it is missing or incomplete, student is benched or loses time from another activity to complete work. If there are many incomplete pages of classwork, it becomes Friday’s homework.

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