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Local Government Climate Change Support Program 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Local Government Climate Change Support Program 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Government Climate Change Support Program 2016
Integrating Climate Change into the IDP Bojanala District Municipality

2 Stakeholder Engagements Consolidate Inputs into IDP
Draft CC Response Plan Stakeholder Engagements Activities Consolidate Inputs into IDP Stakeholder Input IDP Integration


4 IDP Integration Steps Step 1
Identify key stakeholders/groups for input Step 2 Facilitate stakeholder input into plan Step 3 Engage municipal sector managers to integrate into IDP Step 4 Submit executive summary text to be included in IDP

5 Stakeholder Database Set up excel database
Name Organisation Position Contact Details Advertise for people to register on database Include meeting attendees in your database

6 Step 1: Identify key stakeholders/groups for input
Confirm municipal climate change champion/s To be confirmed through SALGA Willies Manganyi and Precious Matheba Confirm who are sector manager/s Agriculture: Mike Mokgatsi Biodiversity and Environment: Justice Baloyi and James Masebe (Manager) Disaster Management Forum: Prince Morare Human Settlements: Sidwell Maluleka Municipal Health: Nozi Masekwane Water: Amos - info from Willies/ Sidwel

7 Step 1: Identify key stakeholders/groups for input
NGOs, Private Sector, Local, National Government, Community Groups Sector Stakeholders & Structures Contact Name Agriculture TAU, Agri-SA, NAFU Biodiversity and Environment SANBI Disaster Management DM Forums: local and district Human Settlement Municipal Health Services Water Catchment Management Agencies?

8 Step 2: Facilitate stakeholder input into plan
Stakeholder Group Type of Engagement By When Political Leaders SALGA Induction Workshop February 2017 Sector Departments Draft Plan Distribution/Circulation (Climate Change Champions) End-September 2016 Public Tribal Leaders Kgosi Maubane, Nawa and Zibi. Climate Change Champions and Mr Joseph Mashongoane Mid-October 2016

9 Step 3: Engage sectors to integrate into IDP
Activity By Who By When Meet with Sector Managers Review Sector Plans Confirm Budgets

10 IDP Integration Steps Step 1
Identify key stakeholders/groups for input Step 2 Facilitate stakeholder input into plan Step 3 Engage municipal sector managers to integrate into IDP Step 4 Submit executive summary text to be included in IDP

11 Step 4: Incorporate Climate Change Text into IDP
Generic Introduction statement regarding CC for IDP Why is CC important for the municipality What are priority indicators Sector specific text for climate change integration into IDP sector plans will be presented Sector priority indicators Response Actions




15 Local Government Climate Change Support Program 2016
Integrating Climate Change into the IDP

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