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Classification & the New Taxonomy

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Presentation on theme: "Classification & the New Taxonomy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification & the New Taxonomy
Chapters 25 – 35

2 New songs!

3 What determines life? There are 6 characteristics of life:
Organization Metabolism Homeostasis Growth and Development Reproduction Adaptations

4 Finding commonality in variety
Solar System Organisms classified from most general group, domain, down to most specific, species domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species Earth No. America U. S. N. Y. L. I. Nassau Co. use the mnemonic! Levittown

5 Classification Old 5 Kingdom system New 3 Domain system
Eukaryote Prokaryote Old 5 Kingdom system Monera, Protists, Plants, Fungi, Animals New 3 Domain system reflects a greater understanding of evolution & molecular evidence Prokaryote: Bacteria Prokaryote: Archaebacteria Eukaryotes Protists Plants Fungi Animals Archaebacteria & Bacteria

6 Kingdom Protist Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plant Kingdom Animal Kingdom Archaebacteria Kingdom Bacteria

7 Binomial Nomenclature
Was established in the 18th century by Carlus Linnaeus Based on structural features as opposed to habitat, size etc. He used genus which acted as a noun telling what it was He also used species name which was an adjective to describe the genus

8 Taxon Term used for the hierarchical classification groups
The smaller the taxon the more similar the organisms within it

9 The Evolutionary Perspective

10 Kingdoms Fungi Animalia absorptive nutrition ingestive nutrition
Plantae autotrophs heterotrophs Protista uni- to multicellular multicellular Eubacteria Archaebacteria prokaryotes eukaryotes Single-celled ancestor

11 Bozeman

12 Why are common names bad?
The classification system makes it easier and quicker to locate different species There is a uniform Latin language used so it doesn’t have to be translated between languages. It makes it easier for scientists of the world to share information. It avoids the confusion of common names. For example Ragwort is 2 different plants on PEI and outwest (PEI’s is poisonous) Puma, Mountain Lion, and Cougar are all the same animals but named different things in different countries

13 Dichotomous Keys Dichotomous means divided into two parts therefore these keys always give 2 choices in each step. Sheet

14 Evidences for Classification

15 1. Fossil Record: radiocarbon dating

16 Evolution of birds Archaeopteryx lived about 150 mya
links reptiles & birds The avian nature of the brain and inner ear of Archaeopteryx (Alonso et al. 2004) - Archaeopteryx, the earliest known flying bird from the Late Jurassic period, exhibits many shared primitive characters with more basal coelurosaurian dinosaurs (the clade including all theropods more bird-like than Allosaurus), such as teeth, a long bony tail and pinnate feathers. However, Archaeopteryx possessed asymmetrical flight feathers on its wings and tail, together with a wing feather arrangement shared with modern birds. This suggests some degree of powered flight capability but, until now, little was understood about the extent to which its brain and special senses were adapted for flight. Alonso et al. (2004) investigated this problem by computed tomography scanning and three-dimensional reconstruction of the braincase of the London specimen of Archaeopteryx. A reconstruction of the braincase and endocasts of the brain and inner ear suggest that Archaeopteryx closely resembled modern birds in the dominance of the sense of vision and in the possession of expanded auditory and spatial sensory perception in the ear. Alonso et al. (2004) concluded that Archaeopteryx had acquired the derived neurological and structural adaptations necessary for flight. An enlarged forebrain suggests that it had also developed enhanced somatosensory integration with these special senses demanded by a lifestyle involving flying ability. Smithsonian Museum, Washington, DC

17 2006 Fossil Discovery of Early Tetrapod
Tiktaalik “missing link” from sea to land animals

18 2. Anatomical record Homologous structures
similarities in characteristics resulting from common ancestry

19 Homologous structures
Similar structure Similar development Different functions Evidence of close evolutionary relationship recent common ancestor

20 3. Comparative embryology
Similar embryological development in closely related species all vertebrate embryos have similar structures at different stages of development gill pouch in fish, frog, snake, birds, human, etc.

21 4. Molecular record Comparing DNA & Biochemistry (blood, protein, hormones) universal genetic code! DNA & RNA compare common genes cytochrome C (respiration) hemoglobin (gas exchange) Why compare these genes? 25 50 75 100 125 Millions of years ago Horse/ donkey Sheep/ goat Goat/cow Llama/ cow Pig/ Rabbit/ rodent Horse/cow Human/rodent Dog/ Human/ Human/kangaroo Nucleotide substitutions Closely related species have sequences that are more similar than distantly related species DNA & proteins are a molecular record of evolutionary relationships

22 5. Behaviour Song Bird: birds that have the same song would be classified more closely

23 6. Cell Structures Peptidoglycan = bacteria in cell wall

24 Phylogeny Evolutionary history of an organism
We often use cladograms to show this history and relationship to other living things Like a tree the organisms at the top are the most recent

25 Comparative hemoglobin structure
Human Macaque Dog Bird Frog Lamprey Why does comparing amino acid sequence measure evolutionary relationships? 8 32 45 67 125 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Number of amino acid differences between hemoglobin (146 aa) of vertebrate species and that of humans

26 Book Examples Pg. 115 Horseshoe crab reclassified
Interesting chart on pg. 119 Closer to spiders Interesting chart on

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