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The Prince discussion Two

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1 The Prince discussion Two
Advice to the prince/princess

2 So, yesterday you provided some advice to the newly
Appointed prince/princess of Steamboat Springs. Today, we’re going to continue this. You need not agree with Machiavelli, and in this case, you’ll explain what Machiavelli wrote and then explain why his advice is wrong. Andiamo, ragazzi!

3 Either following or refuting Machiavelli’s advice, offer
advice to the new prince/princess about the qualities princes/princesses are either praised or censured (judged). Chapter XV (15)

4 Offer advice to the new prince about whether to be prodigal
(loose with money) or miserly (tight with money) and why. Chapter XVI (16)

5 Advise your prince/princess as to whether it is better to
be feared or loved and why. Chapter XVII

6 Advise the prince/princess whether he or she should be
honest or not. (chapter XVIII -18).

7 Advise your prince/princess how to avoid being hated and
looked down upon by his or her constituents. (Chapter XIX – 19)

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