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NLL Sports Project We would like you to try a series of fitness tests to determine what sport you may be suited to. We then would like you to create a.

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Presentation on theme: "NLL Sports Project We would like you to try a series of fitness tests to determine what sport you may be suited to. We then would like you to create a."— Presentation transcript:

1 NLL Sports Project We would like you to try a series of fitness tests to determine what sport you may be suited to. We then would like you to create a Facebook profile on a sports person of your choice.

2 Attempt each fitness test and then record your results below
Attempt each fitness test and then record your results below. Then check whether you won a Gold, Silver, or Bronze. Standing Stork Test Ruler Drop Sit up test Wall Test Coordination

The objective of this test is to measure an athlete’s ability to maintain a state of balance in a static position. Stand on one leg for as long as you can.  What you have to do: Stand on one leg on ball of the foot, with the sole of the other foot on the knee of the standing leg (pictured). Lift heel up on standing foot to stand on toes, maintaining this position for as long as possible. Stop time when heel touches floor or when foot comes off the leg. You count the best score from three turns. Balance Standing Stork Gender Gold Silver Bronze Male More than 30 seconds secs Below 20 secs Female 30-20 secs

4 TEST: WALL TOSS- Coordination
The objective of this test is to measure an athlete’s hand-eye coordination. Throw and catch the ball as many times as you can in 30 seconds.  What you have to do: Stand facing a wall, 2 metres away. Throw a ball with one hand against the wall, catching it with the other. Only count successful catches. Repeat as many times as possible in 30 seconds. Co-ordination Alternate Ball Throw Gender Gold Silver Bronze Male Below 20 Female 20-24 15-20 Below 15

5 TEST: 30 second sit up test- muscular endurance
The objective of this test is to measure an athlete’s abdominal muscular strength endurance. Do as many sit ups as you can in 30 seconds. What you have to do: Attempt to perform as many sit ups in 30 seconds. 2. Assistant instructs when to start and stop and counts the number of sit ups. Muscular Endurance Sit up Test Gender Gold Silver Bronze Male Below 15 Female 15+ 10-14 Below 9

6 TEST: RULER DROP The objective of this test is to measure an athlete’s reaction time. Catch the ruler as fast as you can, the lower the number the better. What you have to do: A partner holds the ruler, and the athlete holds out their hand level with the zero cm line on the ruler. Once ready, drop the ruler. The athlete needs to catch the ruler with their thumb and index finger as soon as possible. Measure their score by writing down the point on the ruler that was caught. Do this test three times add up each score and then divide by three to get your final score. Reaction Time Ruler Drop Gold Silver Bronze  Male Below 15 20cm - 25cm More than 25cm Female More than 28cm

7 Did you achieve any medals. Which test did you do best in
Did you achieve any medals? Which test did you do best in? Here are some sports that you may be suited to based on your results. Ruler drop test- reaction time- Goalkeeper, Hockey Hand wall toss- coordination- Cricket, Tennis 30 second sit up test- muscular endurance, Rowing, Swimming Standing stork test- Gymnastics,

8 NOW… Create a Facebook profile on an athlete of your choice.
Find a profile picture Fill in the all about me boxes. What is your current status? Find pictures of who they would be friends with EXT: Create a conversation between you and one of your friends.

9 Next Steps Consider joining a local sports club on the sport you have been matched with.

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