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The Animal Kingdom Shape of Life.

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Presentation on theme: "The Animal Kingdom Shape of Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Animal Kingdom Shape of Life

2 Kingdom Animalia Two main groups
Invertebrates – no backbone (spine) Vertebrates – backbone (spine) Did you know: ~95% of all animal species are classified as INVERTEBRATES!!! Can you list the general characteristics?

3 General Characteristics:
Eukaryotic, Multicellular Heterotrophs Most capable of locomotion No cell wall Most have nervous and muscle tissue Store their excess carbohydrates as glycogen What does Mr. Anderson think

4 Invertebrates Biology 11

5 Phylum Porifera: sea sponges

6 Phylum Cnidaria Stinging celled animals cnidocytes

7 Phylum Platyhelminthes
Flatworms Website

8 Phylum Mollusca Soft bodied animals

9 Phylum Echinodermata Spiny-skinned animals

10 Phylum Arthropoda Jointed limb animals chitinous exoskeleton.

11 Phylum Annelida Level of organization - They exhibit organ- system level of body organization and bilateral symmetry. Circulatory system is closed. Reproduction is sexual.

12 Phylum Nematodes Round Worms

13 Phylum Chordata All Vertebrates belong to Phylum Chordata
General characteristics: (at some point in their life) Have a notochord Hollow dorsal nerve tube Tail Muscular tube called a pharynx Pharynx has slits at some point

14 Vertebrates Sub-phylum Vertebrata Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds

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