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Elizabeth’s Religious Settlement

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Presentation on theme: "Elizabeth’s Religious Settlement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elizabeth’s Religious Settlement
L.O. to develop an understanding of Elizabeth’s policy of the Middle- Way by creating charts. Key words: Middle-Way =

2 Protestant ideas: Catholic ideas:

3 If you were Elizabeth……
What religious changes would you want to put in place? How would you go about achieving this?

4 Mary I had successfully turned back the clock on all religious change from 1529 – How far do you agree with this statement? How did international relations effect Elizabeth’s religious intentions? Why was Elizabeth not able to push through religious change upon her accession? What events enabled Elizabeth to change religious policy according to her wishes?

5 Act of Supremacy: Royal Injunctions of 1559: The bread and wine: Act of Uniformity: 1559 Prayer Book: 39 Articles:

6 ‘Elizabeth’s Religious changes were welcomed by the people of England
Agree Disagree

7 Mary of Guise: James V: Francis II: Mary Queen of Scots:

8 Why was Mary Queen of Scots a threat to Elizabeth
Why was Mary Queen of Scots a threat to Elizabeth? What was the Treaty of Hampton Court? Why did Elizabeth support the Huguenots of France? What was the attitude of the Spanish and French towards Elizabeth and her return to Protestantism?

9 What was the Council of Trent?

10 Marriage and the succession?
L.O. to evaluate the success of Elizabeth’s marriage policy creating charts.

11 Charles Hapsburg Philip II of Spain Prince Eric of Sweden Robert Dudley

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