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Class Mammalia.

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1 Class Mammalia

2 Evolution of Mammals Mammals did not come to dominate until the CENOZOIC ERA, after the dinosaurs became extinct Early mammals were probably “rodent like”

3 Fig 3

4 Synapsids 4

5 Pelycosaurs Synapsid reptiles from Pennsylvanian and Permian
MYA Body close to ground Legs away from body Canine like teeth Dimetron

6 Therapsids Body raised off the ground Limbs more under the body
Teeth differentiated into 3 types Secondary palate developing Lystosaurus 6

7 Cynodonts Lumbar ribs reduced or absent
Well developed secondary palate Lower jaw reduced to one bone Thrinaxodon 7 Cynognathus

8 Transitional Fossil Cynognathus

9 Early Mammals Triassic 220 MYA Small Hair Mammary glands Skin glands
Molar teeth Megazostrodon 9

10 Repenomamus robustus Ate Dinosaurs

11 Cladogram of Synapsids
Cynodonts Mammals Therapsids Molars, hair, glands Pelycosaurs Reduced ribs, 1 jaw bone Limbs under body Canine like teeth Synapsid reptiles 11

12 Characteristics Hair – composed of keratin for insulation, sensation, appearance, and protection. (other keratinized structures – horns, antlers, etc.) Mammary Glands – modified sweat gland that, in females, produce milk to nourish their offspring. 3 Middle Ear Bones – malleus, incus, and stapes (hammer, anvil, and stirrup); the first two derived from the ancestral jaw.

13 Characteristics Highly differentiated teeth Single lower jaw bone
Secondary palate Highly developed brain Separate sexes (XX or XY) Internal fertilization

14 General Skeleton

15 same bones, different stance

16 Teeth Diastema – toothless gap Carnassial apparatus
Incisors chisel shaped for gnawing and nipping (1 root) Canines long conical for catching, killing, and tearing (1 root) Premolars and Molars broad for chewing (1-2 or 2-3 roots)


18 Mammalian Glands Glands are an epidermal tissue that secrete substances. Sudoriferous – sweat for evaporative cooling and elimination of waste. Sebaceous – secrete oil for waterproofing of hair. Scent – secrete pheromones for defense, sex recognition, and territorial behavior.

19 Mammal Heat Regulation
Endothermy – the generation of internal heat Homeothermy – the maintenance of constant temperature Torpor – the organism is less active, alert, and easily aroused (Bears and raccoons) Hibernation – the organism slows metabolism, and heart and respiratory rates (monotremes, and some insectivora, rodentia, and chiroptera)


21 3 Types of Mammals Prototheria (Monotremes): oviparous (egg-laying).
Metatheria (Marsupials): viviparous with a short gestation, further development occurring in a pouch. Eutheria (Placentals): viviparous with a long gestation.

22 Monotremes Lay eggs Incubate 12 days Lick milk from mothers fur
Monotremes Lay eggs Incubate 12 days Lick milk from mothers fur Transitional species echidna platypus

23 Marsupials Pouched mammals Birth to tiny embryo
Marsupials Pouched mammals Birth to tiny embryo Embryo attaches to mother’s nipple to complete development opossum kangaroo

24 Placentals Placenta nourishes embryo Long gestation period
22 months for elephant Most successful group of mammals Competitive advantage over monotremes and marsupials Better nutrition from placenta Less vulnerable to predators More advanced at birth

25 Evolution of Placenta from Amniotic Egg
Reptile Chorion Oxygen from air Amnion Provides private pond Yolk Sac Food for embryo Allantois Store urinary waste Mammal Chorion Form placenta to get oxygen & food from mothers blood Amnion Provides private pond Yolk sac Temporarily make RBCs Allantois Form umbilical cord

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