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WHAT: • Protein: To learn the function and chemical properties – denaturation and coagulation Practical: lemon curd HOW: WHY: To give you knowledge of.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT: • Protein: To learn the function and chemical properties – denaturation and coagulation Practical: lemon curd HOW: WHY: To give you knowledge of."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT: • Protein: To learn the function and chemical properties – denaturation and coagulation Practical: lemon curd HOW: WHY: To give you knowledge of Macro nutrients and their function in food products Expert: Competently executes a wide range of complex technical skills/processes(eg filleting fish or cutting vegetables with precision and accuracy eg julienne) to produce excellent quality dishes. Challenge: Executes technical skills/processes with accuracy, including some complex technical skills (eg filleting fish or cutting vegetables with precision and accuracy eg julienne) to produce very good quality dishes. Aspire: Demonstrates technical skills/processes with some accuracy to produce good quality dishes.

2 Getting Ready for Practical Work
1 Place bags and blazers on a peg in the middle room 2 Stack the stools 3 Put on an apron 4 Run some hot soapy water in your bowl 5 Tie hair up 6 Wash hands 7 Clean your work surface 8 Set out your equipment and ingredients Equipment Chopping board Vegetable knife Juicer Saucepan

3 Science: So what happens when egg protein is denatured and coagulates?
Coagulation is when something thickens from a liquid to a solid. For example, raw eggs are clear and runny but become white and solid when heated. Heat and agitation alter the structure of proteins by breaking their molecular bonds. Not a big fan of change, protein molecules want to rejoin their bonds but they’re not too picky so they’ll choose the closest molecule and bond to that one. What we see is coagulation or thickening which gives the body and structure we’re looking for.

4 Practical: Practical Activity: Lemon Curd Ingredients
grated zest and juice 2 large juicy lemons 2 large eggs 175g golden caster sugar 110g unsalted butter ½ level dessertspoon cornflour Mise en place Zest and juice the lemons Split the eggs into white and yolk, be careful not to get any yolk in the white Cut the butter into small lumps Measure ½ level dessertspoon cornflour

5 Practical: Go Large: The egg whites can be used for meringues.
Begin by lightly whisking (denaturing) the eggs in a medium-sized saucepan, then add the rest of the ingredients and place the saucepan over a medium heat. Now whisk continuously using a balloon whisk until the mixture thickens (coagulates)– about 7-8 minutes. Next, lower the heat to its minimum setting and let the curd gently simmer for a further minute, continuing to whisk. After that, remove it from the heat. Now pour the lemon curd into the hot, sterilised jars, filling them as full as possible, cover straightaway with waxed discs, seal while it is still hot and label when it is cold. It will keep for several weeks, but it must be stored in a cool place.


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