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Powers of 10 General Power Point Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Powers of 10 General Power Point Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Powers of 10 General Power Point Presentation
Power point that accompanies Carbon Teaching Experiment Written by: Jonathon SchrammA, Eric KeelingB, Dijanna FigueroaC, Lindsay MohanA, Michele JohnsonC, and Charles W. AndersonA Culturally relevant ecology, learning progressions and environmental literacy Long Term Ecological Research Math Science Partnership 2012 Disclaimer: This research is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation: Targeted Partnership: Culturally relevant ecology, learning progressions and environmental literacy (NSF ). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

2 Powers of Ten

3 Earth Scale: 108 meters = 100 Mm = 100 megameters
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

4 North and Central America
Scale: 107 meters = 10 Mm = 10 megameters MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

5 California Scale: 106 meters = 1 Mm = 1 megameter
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

6 The San Francisco Bay Area
Scale: 105 meters = 100 km = 100 kilometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

7 San Francisco Scale: 104 meters = 10 km = 10 kilometers
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

8 Golden Gate Park Scale: 103 meters = 1 km = 1 kilometer
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

9 Japanese Tea Garden Scale: 102 meters = 100 meters
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

10 A Pond with Lily Pads Scale: 101 meter = 10 meters
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

11 The One-Meter Square Scale: 100 meters = 1 meter: Light takes about 3 nanoseconds to cross this picture MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

12 A Lily and a Bee Scale: 10-1 meters = 0.1 meter = 10 centimeters
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

13 A Bee's Head Scale: 10-2 meters = 1 cm = 1 centimeter
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

14 A Bee's Eye Scale: 10-3 meters = 1 mm = 1 millimeter
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

15 Pollen Scale: 10-4 meters = 100 µm = 100 micrometers
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

16 Bacterium Scale: 10-5 meters = 10 µm = 10 micrometers
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

17 Virus on a Bacterium Scale: 10-6 meters = 1 µm = 1 micrometer
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

18 A Virus Scale: 10-7 meters = 0.1 µm = 0.1 micrometer = 100 nm = 100 nanometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

19 DNA within a Virus Scale: 10-8 meters = 10 nm = 10 nanometers
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

20 The Structure of DNA Scale: 10-9 meters = 1 nm = 1 nanometer
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

21 The Structure of water molecule
Scale: 10-9 meters = 1 nm = 1 nanometer MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

22 The Structure of Oxygen
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

23 The Structure of carbon dioxide
MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment

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