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Patient Revolution 12 July 2017

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1 Patient Revolution 12 July 2017

2 You said, we did – Patient Revolution 2016
Dr Andrew Hassan

3 Themes from Patient Revolution 2016
Accident and emergency Long term health conditions Mental health Palliative care support (post discharge) Community feedback and education Primary care delivery Parking at West Suffolk Hospital and transport

4 Accident and emergency
People told us they were concerned about pressure on the emergency department Worked with the hospital and the wider health system to review attendances and admissions Set up a demand management group enhanced the Early Intervention Team Improve capacity in the hospital, there are step down beds to improve discharges. Patients with minor illnesses or injuries are re-directed to see a doctor Local GPs are doing additional rounds to care homes

5 Accident and emergency
Strengthened communication displaying messaging to remind patients of alternative services developing a series of messages about the pressures faced by WSH for the press and social media asking for support from the voluntary sector to help share messages about how to best look after yourself translating a self-care leaflet into EasyRead.

6 Long term health conditions
Diabetes care was highlighted as a priority for people attending the event Introduced a community diabetes service Upskilled primary care staff Held a series of workshops for clinicians, patients, commissioners and voluntary sector representatives Bid for a share of £44m in national funding to increase support for people with diabetes and severe mental health conditions

7 Long term health conditions
The introduction of the new community service we now have 61% of patients are now receiving the support they need to control their blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, compared with a national average of 60%. As a result, west Suffolk is now ranked 81st of 209 CCGs

8 Mental health Commissioned Wellbeing Suffolk Service from NSFT: September 2017- Mainstreamed Police Triage Service with NSFT and Suffolk Police- mental health nurses working in control room and providing call out support when required. Mainstreamed 4x Learning Disability nurses supporting East and West Suffolk GP Practices to improve no of LD annual health checks completed. CCG(s) and Suffolk County Council jointly commissioned a new peri-diagnosis dementia service ‘Dementia Together’ from Sue Ryder. Continue to provide a psychiatric liaison service at West Suffolk Hospital- considering options to increase cover.

9 Children and young people’s mental health
Refreshed and published Suffolk Children’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Plan- November 2016. Continue to engage with young people, parents and carers, schools, voluntary services, health providers and other statutory partners. Agreement to implement a new ‘Wellbeing Hub’ to support emotional health and wellbeing referrals across NSFT and Suffolk County Council CYP services- aim to implement in Autumn 2017. Crisis response for Children and Young People in development. New community based eating disorder service went operational with NSFT from Summer 2016.

10 Palliative care support (post discharge)
Rolled out the ‘My Care Wishes’ documents Developed specific guidance to support end of life care

11 Community feedback and education
We have offered help and support to patient participation groups GP engagement guide has been developed and shared Feedback 22 events carried out 1400 comments were gathered

12 Primary care delivery Liaised with our GPs to develop plans for ‘super practices’ Worked with 48 partners from 14 Suffolk practices, to develop the Suffolk Primary Care Partnership Continued to work with our GPs to identify new functions which super practices could carry out

13 Parking at West Suffolk Hospital and transport
January 2017 400 New visitor parking spaces Including 40 Blue Badge spaces 120 New Staff parking spaces from redesign of current staff car park February 2017 100 New visitor bay in the rear car park Tariff Changed to being charged hourly. Change to charge to £2 an hour. Shuttle Bus on going

14 Thank You

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